Dead space 3 additional missions. Achievement guide - main game. Excavation Command Headquarters

Prologue. June 18, 2314 After the introductory video, we begin to move along the snow-covered field. We navigate using the device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the collapse of summer...

After the introductory video, we begin to move through the snow-covered field. We navigate using the device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the crashed aircraft. We destroy the boxes and thereby obtain ammunition for weapons. We shoot at the latch on the main door. Opening it, enemies are selected from inside. The most vulnerable areas are the limbs and head. Having entered the ship, we move towards the stairs, shooting opponents along the way. We kick corpses to obtain ammunition and first aid kits. We go up to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select the cylindrical device. Suddenly the ship moves away, and so we jump out onto the gorge with a rope. We move lower and lower, occasionally jumping over holes. We move to the left side so as not to end up above the blast wave. We roll from side to side to avoid collisions with debris.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Lunar colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look around the apartment, after which we go into the corridor, turn left and go outside. We head to the soldiers at the gate. After the dialogue, crouching and huddling behind cover. We kill a couple of enemies for training and go to the car to the right. After the explosion we find ourselves at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Don't forget to use shelters. We shoot the next suicider before he gets close to us. We enter the building and climb the stairs. After talking with Norton, we look around the room and go out into the alley. We carefully go around the corners and shoot the enemies. The never-ending flow of trucks on the highway will not allow you to cross the road. We aim at the stream and slow down one of the cars with stasis. Now the flow has stopped, and we can cross to the other side and go up.

Inside the hall we encounter a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be surrounded and to retreat back in time. We'll take the elevator to the top floor. We are immediately attacked, but Isaac flees from Danik and his people. We get up, pick up first aid kits before the enemies burst in. Having killed them, we move on to the next elevator. Having risen, we go out to a row of shops. We turn right and go through the souvenir shop. We go out into the alley and destroy the enemies. We go down the stairs in the building and take the elevator up. We arrive at the station, where we pull the locomotive to the central platform using kinesis. Then we push it into the tunnel. Similarly, we connect the fuel train to the head car. We wait for the last carriage and climb into it from behind. We move towards the locomotive, destroying enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. On my own.
U.S.M. "Eudora".

Having regained consciousness, we speak with Carver. On the shelf on the right we turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the captain's bridge. The ship makes a jump in space, after which it collides with mines. We leave the bridge, give instructions to our allies, then move forward to get the suit. Having put it on, we break into weightlessness and catch up with the last and main element - the helmet.

We fly to the load and use kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. Having pushed them away on different sides, we interact with the control panel. We rush through space, maneuvering between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanoke.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. We can’t go inside, so we head to the adjacent doors. We open them by aiming at the central lock and using kinesis. Now press the kinesis button again and scroll the lock. Through the airlock we go into the corridor, turn left and get into the premises, from where we open the cargo door using kinesis to the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. Using Norton's coordinates, we go to the group led by Ellie. Let's go to the right and collect all the useful items. We pass through the door and get to a room in which all the doors are blocked. We grab the battery near the central door with kinesis and install it in the corresponding hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go into the corridor. We destroy the creatures and remove the barricade near the side door using kinesis. We deal with the enemies in the room with a de-energized projector. We go out into the corridor and get to the door on the left side. Having descended, we fly in zero gravity and shoot back from the enemies clinging to the walls. Then we go up the stairs and start starting the main generator. For all three mechanisms we lower the upper parts using kinesis. Next, we grab the locks that open from above and hold down the kinesis button to unwind and subsequently supply energy. We turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for it to arrive. We go up to Ellie and the other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and begin to destroy the huge necromorph. We lower the upper parts and unwind them, as we did earlier. Tentacles will appear from below, which we shoot at the red areas. Since they are moving too fast, we will use stasis. Having walked through all the generators, we go down the same way we arrived. Being in zero gravity, we use stasis on the fans. We go to the opposite side and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, we approach the control panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the selected cells and activate them. Having filled the entire area, an elevator will be available on the left side, which will take us to the top floor.

Isaac looks at the pictures on the wall. Now we can return to Ellie at the station and go through the passage to the left of the machine. Through the corridor, we will get out into open space and head to the trolley, which will take us to Terra Nova.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Terra Nova crew dock.

Having arrived at the station, we move through the gateway. Having opened the door, we take the elevator to the captain's bridge. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. We rotate the stick and look for three blue zones that need to be fixed. We go into the corridor and clear it of opponents. We go down to the storage room, where we also carry out cleaning. We get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Upon arrival, we are informed of a problem. We go through the door on the left and climb up. We encounter an enemy stuck to the wall. We need to shoot all of its tentacles and only then can we get to the elevator. We use it to go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to clear the path of cargo. This is done by connecting two loads with sides corresponding to each other. It is quite easy to visually select them. Next, we deal with the enemies that appear and go back to the elevator.

Going downstairs, we head to the door on the left. We climb up and run to the warehouse. A new enemy appears that cannot be killed. When all limbs are torn off, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After which he regenerates and continues to attack us again. We hastily get to the trolley and call it through the console. We hold the defense until the transport arrives. We actively use stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arriving trolley we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repairs before shipment.
The tail section of the C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Having hacked it, we go inside and select the key to the conning tower. Now we can return to the trolley and go to the tail station. After arriving, we call the elevator and while we wait for it, we chop off the limbs of the immortal enemies.

The elevator will take us to the shuttle. Let's go through all the levels and collect the necessary modules. Then let's go upstairs and call the platform. We’ll cross it to the opposite side and assemble the modules in the same way. We use the machine to assemble the remote control. Next, on the platform we will cross to the center to the shuttle. Open the lid using kinesis and install the assembled remote control.

Without fuel, the shuttle cannot move. Let's move to the right side again. Having gone down the lift, turn right and go through the unlocked door. We go up, then go down and back up again on the lift. We activate the fuel pump, go to it and push it into the tank using kinesis. While refueling, we pass the time by killing approaching necromorphs. After completing the refueling, we deactivate the pump and ask Ellie to carry out the final stage in preparing the shuttle for flight.

Unexpected overheating will cause a malfunction. We go down and turn right. We are not in a hurry to run headlong, as the fire will constantly block the path. The sign will point you in the right direction. We get to the stairs and go down. We go to the lift, calling her, we restrain the immortal necromorph. We go upstairs and call the platform. Now we fight off two opponents at once. We move to the opposite side, follow the lift down and go left. We go into the building and get to the elevator, where we go to the top floor. We position ourselves behind the stationary weapon and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also, don’t forget about the enemies, of which there will be more and more over time.

The explosion took us into outer space. We get to the station, shooting mines along the way. Their approach is easy to recognize by their increasing sounds. We use the shuttle to send it to Greeley.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Greeley.

We head towards the engine using the pointer. Using kinesis we pull out the shields, then the square devices underneath them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the Roanoke station. Here you need to get three recorders from three different satellites. The first one is easy to reach with the help of a sign, but the rest will not be difficult to find due to the green illumination.

Next, follow the sign to find the nearest machine. We combine the objects found in it and return to weightlessness. We fix the module on the shuttle. We dive into the shuttle, where we notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them into the connectors and twist them one hundred and eighty degrees. Now we can hit the road by launching the shuttle through the control panel. We do not deviate from the course, that is, we keep the shuttle within the blue squares. We shoot the marked enemies and try in every possible way to avoid obstacles. We have to return to the cylinders once again and again arrange them in the correct location.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After the crash, we begin the search for the second part of the shuttle. We use fire as a guide. We also use it to replenish our heat supply. We head into an open area, and a shuttle collapses from above. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to advance, and soon we will discover the tail part of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, guided by the red signal checkers. On the slope we are attacked by the enemy, who throws us far ahead.

We find a bridge, follow along it until we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb up, turn left and enter a warm room. We start the generator and find the first message from Ellie. We go out to the snow, going down on the ski lift. We move along the pipe and descend to the ground. We destroy the appearing enemies and head to the next building. Having passed through it, we will continue to go straight until we see a signal checker. From there we turn left and get to the next checker, near which we will find a passage into the building. We communicate with the barely alive Buck.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We go left and get to the end room. We start the generator, use kinesis to pull out the gear on the wall. We deliver it to Buckle’s location and thread it into the nearby axle. We take the elevator down, where we clear the premises of small creatures. They like to attack in large groups, but they die quickly.

We get to the workshop, go up the stairs to the lower level. We install the mechanisms in the correct position using the corresponding types of tips. When the device starts, wait a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run after him and go into the passage on the far left. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device with stasis so that we have time to reach the passage and not be squeezed. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. Let's change into an arctic suit, which protects us from the cold.

Using the locator, we get out. We get to the collapsing crane and quickly press the buttons on display. At the top we find Carver, who is actively fighting with enemies. We go into the room on the right side of the lift and start the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will be interrupted by the necromorph whom we already met earlier. We shoot his constantly growing tentacles on his back. We dodge enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow, so after several successful attempts the monster will escape. We rise higher and, guided by the locator, reach the command post.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Excavation command headquarters.

The team is waiting for us outside, we go out to them and are immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy Danik’s people. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we start the generator and free the drilling device from the protective sections. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. We move in a circle so as not to end up under it. We slow down the drill with stasis and shoot the yellow parts in its center. We charge stasis through wall installations and destroy the necromorphs. Having won, we head towards the opened passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for the signal.
Sample building

We take a lift to the heaters. After talking with Ellie, we head to the boiler room, and then go outside. On the right there is an energy block. Having pulled it out, we deliver it to the building at the other end. Enemies will attack us all the way. We push the block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run straight to that very building. Going down the stairs, insert the block into the corresponding hole. We start the boiler manually.

Let's go back to the heaters and adjust the pressure. We activate the central console and use kinesis to rotate the mechanisms, above which the number will light up. When the pressure is 100%, it means we did everything right and can go up to the team. Santos gives us the probe diagram. You need to get a few parts to create it. We reach snowy lands, where we encounter new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which they try to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way is to stand still and wait for them. Having reached the barracks, we pass through it and find ourselves on the auxiliary platform. We destroy many enemies, then turn left and hack the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated state. We pass to the end along the right side. We notice a winch on the left, we pull it with kinesis. Then we go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the last one is in the very cell that we raised.

Let's return to the site and fight with a familiar enemy, who will again hide from us. Let's return to the allies and assemble the probe on the machine.

Chapter 12. Autopsy.
Anatomy hangar.

Having risen, we pass along the side bridges and launch harpoons. Then we use kinesis and open the path. Norton will help you go down, to do this you need to climb into the cage. Once inside the creature, we aim the probe and catch active signals. Mostly the clusters are located at the top, but it is impossible to miss them, as they glow brightly. We shoot at them and retreat to the cage. We hold back the onslaught of enemies, after which we continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it ourselves. We use kinesis on the lever in the next cell. We'll get out through the boiler room. Having escaped from the clutches of Danik’s people, we destroy three of them and begin the battle as a reborn giant. We roll while striking them, shoot the cocoons before the enemies crawl out of them. We shoot at the weak spot in the center. When the enemy literally begins to suck us into himself, we shoot through the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find ourselves inside the giant.

We shoot off the limbs of three creatures. We are in motion to avoid bodies flying at us. Having got out of the giant’s body, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot at the first one, having previously taken aim. To do this, quickly press the indicated button and then the shoot button.

Chapter 13. Touch the skies.
Volantis Rocks.

We meet with the surviving team members. Hooks will help you climb up. We periodically shift it to one side or the other to avoid collisions with boulders flying from above. We use kinesis to restore the stairs and rise higher. We clear the cave from necromorphs and continue moving. There is a lift in front of us that does not allow us to pass. We grab the upper lever with kinesis and do not release the button until the lift goes down. Enemies will interfere with conquering the next peak. We shoot them and at the same time move around by jumping around.

We continue to climb up, this time we need to slow down the huge collapses. We go up the right side and immediately slow down the collapse. As soon as possible, we move to the left. We stop the second collapse and the lift when it is on the right or left. We cross to the right and go up. We destroy the opponents, go into the cave and climb a little higher. We help our allies climb up by starting the generator. When the rise stops, go straight and rise higher. We interact with the shield, setting the correct values. We throw the number fifty from the right to the left, and back - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we head to the open area and begin the fight with the necromorph. If you go even further, you can see a generator that needs to be started as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, go through them and wait for the monster. The harpoons will pin him down for a few seconds. During this time, we must approach the console on the right and grab the lever on the back side with kinesis. We actively press the button shown and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help you climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything has its place.
Research Center.

We'll follow our allies upstairs, but we'll get lost and Ellie will give us another route. We use the locator to get to the biological laboratory. We hack the console and go inside. We destroy small enemies that can revive corpses. We clear the room and take the elevator to the top floor. We communicate with Ellie using kinesis, move the capsule with part of Rosetta’s body to the other side and place it inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the bottom floor.

Let's unlock the door at the other end and move forward, simultaneously shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We go down using the lift. We regulate the power so that the elevator and the pump are powered at the same time. On the right side we leave the numbers 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back up and enter the small room. We activate the console and wait for disinfection. We reach the center, the elevator is free on the left. Having risen, we pass along the bridge and quickly kill the necromorphs in front of us. We also turn around and deal with our opponents.

We arrive at the paleontology building, where we pull out the front panel of the shield and supply power using kinesis. We go to the upper level, destroy the enemies and go down again, but on the lift. Before us is a three-compartment capsule, inside of which is the part we need.

  • We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value to 0 on the left display.
  • We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right display to 0, and in the center - 150.
  • We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left display to 0, and in the center - 90.
  • We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value to 0 on all displays.

We activate the console and move the part to the last compartment. We take it out from the back and place it in the chamber on the right side. We leave the room and clear the corridor of infection. Pull out the front panel of the shield and apply power. We immediately return to a small room and carry out disinfection. We go to the central door and go to the next room. To the left is a capsule containing a piece of Rosetta, which must be placed in the chamber at the other end of the room on the right. We silently bypass enemies or destroy them.

We go outside and return to the biological laboratory. We will again get out of it, get to the lift and go up. On the way to the geology room, we'll deal with the necromorphs. We cover the laser installations with a central block. It can be moved freely using kinesis. We take part of Rosetta and install it in the chamber. Let's return to the laboratory, simultaneously dealing with our opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with a piece of Rosetta. There will be an enemy next to her who can kill us with one blow. We deal with it from a distance and place the part in the appropriate chamber. We return to Ellie and Carver.

Chapter 15. The whims of fate.
Rosetta's laboratory.

We connect the parts into a single whole, focusing on the broken places. Then we activate the console and view the vision. We run away, moving in a zigzag pattern, before the gas has time to block the passage. We also don’t hesitate any further; we leave the laboratory as soon as possible. We take cover from the grenade launchers and rise higher on the lift. We quickly run to the building before the enemy ship riddles us. We go inside and get out on the other side.

We continue to deal with the enemies. Necromorphs have also joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. As we approach the console, enemies will appear behind us. Let's deal with them first, then with the necromorphs. We hack the console and go into the building.

Chapter 16. Hidden Below.
Descent underground.

We begin our descent downwards, following the freight elevator. We jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. We also destroy explosive cylinders whenever possible. Having gone down, we deal with Danik’s people, who are located opposite. We enter the building, unlock the console and go outside. We go down even lower, still shooting annoying enemies. Small creatures have appeared that need to be dealt with from a distance first. We go down the shaft and use stasis on the fan. Having passed through it, quickly and often press the button shown.

Chapter 17. Strange city.
Alien Ruins.

After talking with Carver, we start the generator and move on. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which symbols will appear. We enter them into the “translator” next to the door in reverse order. After getting out of the room, we will meet with Carver. After talking, let's go down the right side. At the turn, turn right and use kinesis to pull the block from the terminal. We move it to the blocked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects using a similar method.

Once at the bottom, we head to the translator. Signs will appear at the bottom of the screen, which must be entered into the “translator”. We go further and start the generator. We find ourselves in zero gravity and fly to the next point. We use the “translator” and exit weightlessness. If you stand on a round platform, the power of kinesis increases sharply, which allows you to manipulate large objects. We clear the passage and, having reached the generator, start it. We destroy the enemies going down the wall, then use the lift to lift it up. Standing on the platform, we move the blue spheres inside the four objects. We arrange them in this order - the outer spheres are in the top positions, the central ones are in the middle. Then we approach the mechanism that appears and activate it.

A special portal opened below, which took us far ahead. We enter the symbols into the “translator” and enter the building. We get to the platform and use it together with stasis to slow down enemies more “qualitatively”. Having dealt with the opponents, we similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Alien car.

We use the “translator” and move on. At the fork, turn right and get to the generator. Having launched it, we will return to the fork and go straight. We destroy the enemies in the next room, after which we unlock the next door and, using the platform, move on.

We clean the room from infection stuck to the floor and walls. We also kill all other necromorphs that appear. To do this, it is advisable to step back, otherwise we will not have time to repel attacks from all sides. We power the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's walk along all the paths, pick up cartridges and at the same time deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location of the central object by one position. Now we can compare all other objects with it. But before that, we’ll deal with all the enemies that appear, of which there will be a large number. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get close to us from behind. We activate the opened mechanism.

Let's go back to the place where we packed the blue spheres. This time it changes their position: the extreme ones are in the middle, the central ones are on top. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, having gone down, we move across the platform. We clear the room from mixed enemies. We arrive at the Machine, remove the first element and insert it into one of the red connectors. We are looking for a couple more elements. Walking first along the right, then along the left side. We apply them similarly to the corresponding connectors. We go forward and begin to climb. We move from side to side so as not to fall into the area that lights up. There are three of them in total. We stop large gears with stasis.
We get to Carver and approach the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. The end.
Vortex of Convergence.

We follow straight, walking on the ground that has not yet had time to collapse. Along the way we destroy the necromorphs. We use the platform to fly to the snowy area. We continue to move, also killing enemies. We don’t get carried away too much, since time is limited. If we delay, the unknown will catch up with us and literally crush us. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We pass into a closed area, from where we will continue our flight.

We dodge various objects and, upon landing, encounter the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab the obelisk with kinesis. We launch it into the enemy’s big eye. We leave the center for a while and destroy the necromorphs. We endure a small shake-up, during which you need to be in the center! We shoot at the orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the steps until the monster absorbs Carver. We use kinesis again to pull him out of the enemy’s belly. We quickly run to him and actively press the indicated button. Let's watch the final video.

Below is a complete walkthrough of Dead Space 3 (except for cooperative levels), with the location of all artifacts and other bonuses: text messages, audio recordings, modification chains, weapon parts, drawings, the best places to launch a resource bot.

In the walkthrough text, all types of bonuses are highlighted in colors that correspond to the colors in the game.

Text message, audio recording- these are pieces of information that complement the main plot of the game. The messages do not have any practical use, but are taken into account in the game statistics, which means that they need to be collected to complete the game 100%.
Total number of messages for the entire game: 73.
An artifact is almost the same as text messages, but with one difference. If you collect all artifacts of a certain type (EarthGov, KCCK, unitologists, aliens), then all these collected artifacts will turn into the best modification chains (+3, +3 to weapon characteristics).
Total number of artifacts for the entire game: 40.
A weapon part is a thing necessary to modify standard game weapons, or to create new weapons. Each weapon consists of several individual elements: frame, upper part, upper modifier, lower part, lower modifier. The composition of weapons can be changed using special machines.
Total number of weapon parts for the entire game: 71.
Modification circuit– improves standard weapon characteristics (damage dealt, rate of fire, reload speed, clip size). It does not affect the entire weapon, but its firing part (upper or lower). Each weapon can be equipped with a maximum of 4 upgrade chains.
Total number of modification chains for the entire game: 61.
Blueprint – opens access to a completely new type of weapon (the entire weapon, not a separate spare part). Unlocked weapons can be created on a machine using collected resources.
Total number of drawings for the entire game: 12.

Prologue. Where the Codex fell

We find ourselves on a snowy planet in the role of an unknown soldier. We need to find an artifact in a shipwreck. We move forward through the snowstorm.

We go forward, guided by the hand-held locator (turned on with the “B” key). We go out to the edge of the cliff and go to the crashed ship. Near the ship we break the colored boxes (space key), pick up the cartridges (E key), load the weapon (R key). We shoot at the door to remove the latch. We open the door, shoot two necromorphs (we shoot at the arms, legs and head, shooting at the torso is ineffective).

We go inside the ship and kill a few more necromorphs. We approach the stairs with blue lights and climb to the second floor. In the control cabin we take the cylindrical artifact from the dead pilot.

Suddenly the cabin almost breaks away from the ship's hull. We go down the cable, pushing off the rocks (the “shift” key). We jump onto a less steep slope and roll down. Rolling left and right, we dodge the falling wreckage of the ship. At the very bottom we are met by the commander, the mission is completed.

Chapter 1. Sudden Awakening

200 years have passed since the events of the prologue. Now under our control is the main character of the game - engineer Isaac Clarke. The action takes place on the lunar colony New Horizons.

Two military men come to the hero’s apartment and sternly offer to work for them.

We leave the room. (If you move away from the door so that it closes, and then re-enter the apartment, a first aid kit or a random resource will appear on the bed. So you can leave and enter indefinitely, and collect supplies to the maximum).

We go out into the street and find ourselves in a shootout. A couple of EarthGov soldiers are protecting us from an attack by unitologist fanatics. It is useless to shoot back; we approach the police car and fall down from the explosion. We run forward, kill enemies. Having quickly run through the first floor, we go up the stairs with blue lighting. At the top we collect the resources lying in the boxes. We pass through a workshop with a non-working workbench.

We leave the building and see the murder of a woman. We reach the corner, kill two fanatics. Let's go to the expressway. We slow down the traffic on the road using stasis ("X" key). After this, an accident will occur, but the path forward will be clear.

We go up the stairs. On the other side of the second floor there are boxes of ammo in drawers and hanging yellow cabinets. We enter the door, go around the column with a large monitor, and behind it we go into the elevator.

As we exit the elevator, we fall straight into the hands of fanatics. We meet a man who decided to release the necromorphs (Jacob Arthur Danik), but we miraculously escape from him.

We get up from the mountain of corpses, collect and use first aid kits. We kill two necromorphs as soon as they break through the glass. Through a couple of doors we go into the next room, kill the necromorphs, and examine all the wall cabinets. We take the elevator up.

Coming out of the elevator, we go into the nearest door, pass through the gift shop, and find ourselves on the street. In a small alley we shoot a dozen necromorphs popping up. We go up another elevator.

We find ourselves at the railway station. We use kinesis (key “F”) to move the car from left to right. The turntable will turn, after which we use the same kinesis to move the car forward into the empty tunnel. Then we move the car with the tank onto the central platform. The train will start moving. We wait until all the cars have passed, then we go into the last car that has stopped.

We go along the train forward to the locomotive, we kill the attacking fanatics. We run to the edge of the very first carriage, jump and grab the hatch of the aircraft. We climb inside (press the “E” key many times) and fly away from here.

Chapter 2. On my own

We find ourselves on board the USM Eudora spaceship.

We examine all the rooms, go through the door. We go further, go into the only open door on the bottom right.

We find ourselves on the captain's bridge of the ship. The spaceship moved into the orbit of a snowy planet. Here the ship hits mines. We run out of the cabin and run along the long corridor until the glass breaks. We put on a suit and go into outer space.

We approach the rescue capsule. We move the latches with blue arrows using kinesis (aim, hold down “F”, move the object). We fly up to the glowing blue screen, click on it, the capsule is disconnected. We fly after the container through space, dodge debris, shoot red mines. We are catching up with the rescue container.

Chapter 3. Roanoke

We find ourselves near the spaceship "CMS Roanoke". We need to get the escape capsule inside, but the ship's cargo lock won't open. We fly into a small airlock on the right, at the end of the tunnel we open the doors using kinesis (aim, hold down “F”). We open the next doors in the same way and find ourselves inside the ship.

We go into the room on the left, turn the lever in it, and thereby open the cargo lock. We leave this room, go forward to the cargo lock to meet with the rescued allies. We approach the soldier and receive a new task. We go right to the end of the gateway. Near the door to the cargo deck we find part of the Tesla Emitter weapon.

We go to the cargo deck.

At the wall on the right we see a non-working machine. On the opposite wall we find the blue power supply, use kinesis to move and insert the power supply into the machine.

Open the large door to the left of the machine and go forward.

We go along the long corridor, destroying the necromorphs. We enter the briefing room with many chairs. We kill necromorphs.

We enter the next room, go along the long corridor, fight off the necromorphs.

We enter the door on the left and find ourselves on the Tech Deck.

There is no gravity on the technical deck. We reach the edge of the platform, unhook (press “Alt”) and fly to the other end of the room. We meet new monsters that shoot three fireballs. It's better to quickly fly past these enemies and not waste bullets on them. We land on another platform and enter the door on the left.

We go up the stairs and find ourselves in a huge hall with an electric generator in the center. We need to turn on this generator. On all three rotors of the generator, we lower the rings down using kinesis, then use the same kinesis to rotate the blue disk on each rotor. After this, necromorphs will begin to appear, we fight them off. Having started all three rotors, we approach the control panel and turn on the generator. We call the elevator, while it arrives, we destroy the last remaining enemies.

Chapter 4. Echoes of history

Our allies are leaving us. We go back alone.

We enter the elevator and take it down to the Generator Room.

Below, a huge monster entangled the generator with its tentacles. Using kinesis, we lower the ring and launch one of the rotors, this will wake up the monster. We use stasis (aim, press “C”) to slow down the tentacle, and then shoot at the yellow thickening to shoot it. So we go around in a circle, start all the rotors again, shoot off the tentacles, and fight off the small necromorphs. We enter the door and go down to the technical deck.

A large fan is spinning in front of us, but it doesn’t draw in that much. We take off from the ground (key “alt”) and fly forward. Directly in front of us, we slow down the spinning blades using stasis and fly further. We go up the stairs.

At the top we kill a couple of necromorphs and approach a buried elevator leading to the officer’s deck. We approach the screen on the right, here you have to solve a small puzzle: you need to simultaneously move two translucent circles onto the filled circles (keys “W”, “A”, “S”, “D” - to control the left circle, keys “up”, “down” ", "left", "right" - to control the right circle). Having solved the puzzle, we go into the elevator.

We walk along the corridor, shoot at the stuffed deer to get the resources hidden behind it, and find ourselves in the cabin of the admiral of the destroyed fleet of ships.

The entire cabin is painted with images of obelisks. The admiral was raving about the obelisks and the threat posed by them, and led her fleet to destroy the planet where the necromorph obelisks appeared. And now we are in orbit of this dangerous planet.

We leave the cabin. (If you go down the elevator and then go back up, random resources will appear in the admiral's cabin. By coming here again and again, you can collect more and more new resources).

We go along the corridor to the briefing cabin. Here the projector started working from the switched on generator. We go into the next corridor, kill the new type of necromorphs. We go through the next door, we see two more doors in front of us.

We go straight through the door and find ourselves on the repair deck. Here we meet only Ellie. We go through the door to the left of the machine. In the wardrobe you can use the collected resources to improve our spacesuit. We go to the next door and communicate with Norton via video link. We use kinesis to open the airlock door and go out into open space.

In space, using kinesis, you can attract cylinders and replenish your oxygen supply. We look at the locator (key “B”), fly to the given point. We stand on the platform (key “alt”) and enter the shuttle.

Inside the shuttle, we choose which ship to move to.

Bonus mission. C.M.S. Greeley

We get out of the shuttle, through open space we get to the ship, navigate using the locator (to do this, you need to enter the inventory menu ("Tab" key), switch to the tasks tab (using the "" keys, Russian "B" and "Y"), select active additional task).

In space you can fly around and study all the debris. We shoot at the yellow containers with oxygen, use kinesis to attract the open container, and fill up with oxygen. We shoot at the bars with a yellow border, attracting dropped cartridges or resources. Shooting necromorphs jump out of some grates.

We enter the Greeley ship, go through the airlock, and find ourselves in a room.

We go down the stairs located in the center of the room.

Downstairs all the doors are closed; to open one of the doors you need a torsion shaft, but we don’t have one yet. We go down even lower along the inclined staircase, open the door using kinesis, go inside, and go down another staircase.

On the lowest floor, using kinesis, we launch the shaft of a small emergency generator. We go up one floor, here several necromorphs await us. Having dealt with the enemies, we go into the elevator.

The elevator takes us to the radio room. Here we come to the electrical panel, highlighted in blue. To turn on the power, you need to solve a small puzzle - balance the power from the left and right sources. Solution: move the 1st, 2nd and 4th fuse to the right, counting from the top, leaving the rest in place. Will turn on automatically after power supply audio recording "Interrogation". We go through the opened door from below.

Along the corridor we return to the central room with many doors. Necromorphs have appeared here, we kill them.

We approach the turned on machine, select the 4th item “Create Items”, create a “Tungsten Torsion Shaft” for 20 tungsten and 100 scrap metal.

We exit the machine menu, go to the locked door, insert the created torsion shaft, then rotate it several times using kinesis. The door opens, inside we find and part of the weapon "Metric Probe". (The metric probe on the nearest machine can be immediately placed in the lower block of the first standard weapon).

From the central room we go through the door opposite the inclined staircase and find ourselves in the shower room. Inside on the left on the sink we find upgrade chain “+1 damage, +1 clip”, a little further in the corner there are a couple of lockers with resources.

We enter the door below to the right of the machine. We find ourselves in a laboratory with many monitors. We kill the crawling necromorphs, go around the room around the perimeter, collect all the boxes with weapons.

We enter the open freight elevator and go down. We kill a couple of necromorphs and move on.

In the next room we find a machine. New monsters crawl out nearby - small spiders, we kill them, and if they managed to cling, then we remove them with the “E” key. We go through the doors.

We see an electrical installation in front of us. To de-energize it, using kinesis, remove the cover from the base of the electrical installation and press the button under the cover. There are corpses nearby, it is better to trample them, otherwise later they will come to life and resist. We pass to the other side of the room.

In the panel on the right we see devices with a circle divided into 4 sectors. We rotate this device using kinesis. This will turn it on audio recording “The secret of the research is revealed”. In the right corner we take the key card from Engstrom’s office. We return to the central room.

On the way back we see how small spiders turn ordinary corpses into necromorphs. We kill all oncoming enemies. Gravity panels on the floor also begin to break, so we go around these dangerous places. We return to the laboratory, here a lot of monsters will attack us. It is better not to kill them with weapons, but to move back so that the monsters fall into traps - they stand on broken panels. We get to the elevator.

We reach the central room. Using the key card, open the door to the left of the machine. Inside we find a couple of boxes of ammunition and a computer. Download the transcript from your computer and listen to the audio recording. Additional task completed.

We leave the ship, fly to the shuttle, inside the shuttle we select the next ship “Tera Nova”.

Bonus co-op mission. C.M.S. Brusilov

This mission is not available in a single playthrough. You can only fly in space around the ship and collect all the resources.

Chapter 5. Expected Delays

We leave the shuttle and fly through space into the airlock of the C.M.S. ship. "Tera Nova" in search of a boat.

We go into the next room, improve our spacesuit if possible, take the elevator to the second floor, and get to the bridge.

We go up to the second floor of the bridge, approach the panel with a blue light, solve the puzzle (you need to rotate the circle, find the luminous sectors and click on them). We enter the opened door.

We pass through the dining room and go down the stairs into the cargo hold.

We walk along the narrow path between the containers and kill the necromorphs that appear. More often we look up, there are many boxes with resources on the containers, we pull them towards us using kinesis.

We go down a little lower and find Search engine bot. This small robot will help us collect resources. Press the “3” key, follow the locator to where the signal comes from, set up the robot and forget about it. It will collect resources and automatically deliver them to the nearest machine. Let's go further and enter the doors.

We find ourselves in a room with a machine, kill a couple of necromorphs here, and use the machine if necessary. You can also wait here for the search engine bot to return.

We go out to the front trolley station. We destroy a couple of new type of necromorphs - fat ones, from which small spiders appear.

We approach the control panel next to the yellow wheel on the ceiling. We are trying to call a trolley, but something is blocking its path. We go on foot through the opened doors on the left.

We pass along the empty corridor and go up the stairs. At the top we meet an extremely dangerous necromorph - a bunch of tentacles in the wall releasing small spiders. You can’t get close to this monster - it will kill you immediately. We shoot him from afar with powerful weapons. For defeating the monster we get Box of spare parts(random set of resources, the box can only be opened at the machine).

We go up the elevator and find ourselves in the trolley control room.

We approach the control panel in front of the large porthole. You need to solve a puzzle: rotate the weights left and right (left and right mouse buttons) so that they can be connected into a single whole (spacebar). After completing the puzzle, you can use the trolley, all that remains is to return to the station. At this time, we are attacked in turn by four acid necromorphs, we kill them. We go along the corridor back to the elevator.

For technical reasons, the elevator goes down to a completely different floor.

We go through the door and find ourselves in the Sorting Room. We go up the stairs.

We kill the lone necromorph and enter the Cargo Hold.

Down in the hold we meet a new enemy - a regenerating necromorph. It is completely impossible to kill him. You can only slow him down with stasis, shoot off his arms and legs for a while, and then run away from him. We run along the narrow corridor forward to the trolley station.

We press the button to call the trolley, at this time a regenerating necromorph appears, followed by another one. We slow down unkillable enemies with stasis, and shoot fast running enemies with a machine gun. If the stasis charge runs out, it can be replenished at the panel on the wall opposite the trolley. We wait for the trolley and quickly run inside, it’s safe here.

We go to the Central Station. Here you can stop and complete an additional mission, or immediately go to the Feed Station in Chapter 6. “Repairs before departure.”

Bonus mission. Find the Conning Tower

We get out of the trolley, at the station we approach the door on the left, we solve the puzzle with the simultaneous movement of two circles. After the decision we go into the control room. On the table we find the key to the elevator.

With the key we return to the station, open the elevator, and go up.

We go up the stairs and approach the door leading to the communications room. Touching the door triggers a trap - necromorphs enter the room from all sides. We fight off monsters. To disable the trap, go to the panel on the wall to the left in front of the door. Here you will need to solve a puzzle with finding blue sectors in a circle. Having solved the problem, we enter the opened doors.

In the radio room we kill a few more necromorphs and collect resources. We go into the next room, we see an electric laser in front of us. To turn it off, shoot at the red block on the wall above the laser. In the next room, we also shoot at the red block hidden behind the partition on the right. Go ahead.

We select the blue cylinders using kinesis and carefully drop them to the floor below. We get on the freight elevator and go down. Monsters will appear below. At this time, we shoot at the blue cylinder, which will hit all the enemies around with a stasis slowdown. We kill the monsters and move on.

Let's go further and go down. Again the laser blocks the path. We wait for a necromorph to appear from the ventilation, kill it, shoot at the red block in the hole behind it - turn off another laser. We go out into a large room.

A trap awaits us again in the engine room. You can prepare for it: move the red explosive and blue stasis cylinders to the grates, from where the monsters will appear. We approach the elevator door; touching it turns on the trap. We kill all the monsters. We go down to the bottom floor and solve the puzzle: using kinesis you need to rotate the blue circles so that there are contacts of the same type between the circles. Once solved, the trap will turn off.

Let's go to the elevator. We find ourselves in the technical room. Here, using stasis, we slow down the rotor with blue lights, then, using kinesis, we remove three magnets from the slowed blades.

We return to the trap with gravity panels, on the way back we kill the appearing necromorphs.

We pass through the disabled trap and enter the elevator.

We go up to the 2nd floor. In the room we collect resources, take the key to Edwards' room.

We go up to the 3rd floor. We find the remains of Edwards himself. Next to the corpse we listen to the audio message. We take the freight elevator up to the balcony of the room. Upstairs behind the door we find a storage room. Inside there are: three boxes with resources, part of the weapon "General Medic", upgrade chain “+1 rate of fire, +1 clip”, upgrade chain “+1 reload, +1 damage”, upgrade chain “+1 damage”. After leaving the vault, we fight off the last wave of monsters.

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Chapter 12. Autopsy.
Anatomy hangar.

Having risen, we pass along the side bridges and launch harpoons. Then we use kinesis and open the path. Norton will help you go down, to do this you need to climb into the cage. Once inside the creature, we aim the probe and catch active signals. Mostly the clusters are located at the top, but it is impossible to miss them, as they glow brightly. We shoot at them and retreat to the cage. We hold back the onslaught of enemies, after which we continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it ourselves. We use kinesis on the lever in the next cell. We'll get out through the boiler room. Having escaped from the clutches of Danik’s people, we destroy three of them and begin the battle as a reborn giant. We roll while striking them, shoot the cocoons before the enemies crawl out of them. We shoot at the weak spot in the center. When the enemy literally begins to suck us into himself, we shoot through the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find ourselves inside the giant.

We shoot off the limbs of three creatures. We are in motion to avoid bodies flying at us. Having got out of the giant’s body, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot at the first one, having previously taken aim. To do this, quickly press the indicated button and then the shoot button.

Chapter 13. Touch the skies.
Volantis Rocks.

We meet with the surviving team members. Hooks will help you climb up. We periodically shift it to one side or the other to avoid collisions with boulders flying from above. We use kinesis to restore the stairs and rise higher. We clear the cave from necromorphs and continue moving. There is a lift in front of us that does not allow us to pass. We grab the upper lever with kinesis and do not release the button until the lift goes down. Enemies will interfere with conquering the next peak. We shoot them and at the same time move around by jumping around.

We continue to climb up, this time we need to slow down the huge collapses. We go up the right side and immediately slow down the collapse. As soon as possible, we move to the left. We stop the second collapse and the lift when it is on the right or left. We cross to the right and go up. We destroy the opponents, go into the cave and climb a little higher. We help our allies climb up by starting the generator. When the rise stops, go straight and rise higher. We interact with the shield, setting the correct values. We throw the number fifty from the right to the left, and back - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we head to the open area and begin the fight with the necromorph. If you go even further, you can see a generator that needs to be started as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, go through them and wait for the monster. The harpoons will pin him down for a few seconds. During this time, we must approach the console on the right and grab the lever on the back side with kinesis. We actively press the button shown and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help you climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything has its place.
Research Center.

We'll follow our allies upstairs, but we'll get lost and Ellie will give us another route. We use the locator to get to the biological laboratory. We hack the console and go inside. We destroy small enemies that can revive corpses. We clear the room and take the elevator to the top floor. We communicate with Ellie using kinesis, move the capsule with part of Rosetta’s body to the other side and place it inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the bottom floor.

Let's unlock the door at the other end and move forward, simultaneously shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We go down using the lift. We regulate the power so that the elevator and the pump are powered at the same time. On the right side we leave the numbers 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back up and enter the small room. We activate the console and wait for disinfection. We reach the center, the elevator is free on the left. Having risen, we pass along the bridge and quickly kill the necromorphs in front of us. We also turn around and deal with our opponents.

We arrive at the paleontology building, where we pull out the front panel of the shield and supply power using kinesis. We go to the upper level, destroy the enemies and go down again, but on the lift. Before us is a three-compartment capsule, inside of which is the part we need.

We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value to 0 on the left display.
- We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right display to 0, and in the center - 150.
- We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left display to 0, and in the center - 90.
- We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value to 0 on all displays.

We activate the console and move the part to the last compartment. We take it out from the back and place it in the chamber on the right side. We leave the room and clear the corridor of infection. Pull out the front panel of the shield and apply power. We immediately return to a small room and carry out disinfection. We go to the central door and go to the next room. To the left is a capsule containing a piece of Rosetta, which must be placed in the chamber at the other end of the room on the right. We silently bypass enemies or destroy them.

We go outside and return to the biological laboratory. We will again get out of it, get to the lift and go up. On the way to the geology room, we'll deal with the necromorphs. We cover the laser installations with a central block. It can be moved freely using kinesis. We take part of Rosetta and install it in the chamber. Let's return to the laboratory, simultaneously dealing with our opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with a piece of Rosetta. There will be an enemy next to her who can kill us with one blow. We deal with it from a distance and place the part in the appropriate chamber. We return to Ellie and Carver.

Chapter 15. The whims of fate.
Rosetta's laboratory.

We connect the parts into a single whole, focusing on the broken places. Then we activate the console and view the vision. We run away, moving in a zigzag pattern, before the gas has time to block the passage. We also don’t hesitate any further; we leave the laboratory as soon as possible. We take cover from the grenade launchers and rise higher on the lift. We quickly run to the building before the enemy ship riddles us. We go inside and get out on the other side.

We continue to deal with the enemies. Necromorphs have also joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. As we approach the console, enemies will appear behind us. Let's deal with them first, then with the necromorphs. We hack the console and go into the building.

Chapter 16. Hidden Below.
Descent underground.

We begin our descent downwards, following the freight elevator. We jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. We also destroy explosive cylinders whenever possible. Having gone down, we deal with Danik’s people, who are located opposite. We enter the building, unlock the console and go outside. We go down even lower, still shooting annoying enemies. Small creatures have appeared that need to be dealt with from a distance first. We go down the shaft and use stasis on the fan. Having passed through it, quickly and often press the button shown.

Chapter 17. Strange city.
Alien Ruins.

After talking with Carver, we start the generator and move on. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which symbols will appear. We enter them into the “translator” next to the door in reverse order. After getting out of the room, we will meet with Carver. After talking, let's go down the right side. At the turn, turn right and use kinesis to pull the block from the terminal. We move it to the blocked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects using a similar method.

Once at the bottom, we head to the translator. Signs will appear at the bottom of the screen, which must be entered into the “translator”. We go further and start the generator. We find ourselves in zero gravity and fly to the next point. We use the “translator” and exit weightlessness. If you stand on a round platform, the power of kinesis increases sharply, which allows you to manipulate large objects. We clear the passage and, having reached the generator, start it. We destroy the enemies going down the wall, then use the lift to lift it up. Standing on the platform, we move the blue spheres inside the four objects. We arrange them in this order - the outer spheres are in the top positions, the central ones are in the middle. Then we approach the mechanism that appears and activate it.

A special portal opened below, which took us far ahead. We enter the symbols into the “translator” and enter the building. We get to the platform and use it together with stasis to slow down enemies more “qualitatively”. Having dealt with the opponents, we similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Alien car.

We use the “translator” and move on. At the fork, turn right and get to the generator. Having launched it, we will return to the fork and go straight. We destroy the enemies in the next room, after which we unlock the next door and, using the platform, move on.

We clean the room from infection stuck to the floor and walls. We also kill all other necromorphs that appear. To do this, it is advisable to step back, otherwise we will not have time to repel attacks from all sides. We power the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's walk along all the paths, pick up cartridges and at the same time deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location of the central object by one position. Now we can compare all other objects with it. But before that, we’ll deal with all the enemies that appear, of which there will be a large number. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get close to us from behind. We activate the opened mechanism.

Let's go back to the place where we packed the blue spheres. This time it changes their position: the extreme ones are in the middle, the central ones are on top. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, having gone down, we move across the platform. We clear the room from mixed enemies. We arrive at the Machine, remove the first element and insert it into one of the red connectors. We are looking for a couple more elements. Walking first along the right, then along the left side. We apply them similarly to the corresponding connectors. We go forward and begin to climb. We move from side to side so as not to fall into the area that lights up. There are three of them in total. We stop large gears with stasis.
We get to Carver and approach the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. The end.
Vortex of Convergence.

We follow straight, walking on the ground that has not yet had time to collapse. Along the way we destroy the necromorphs. We use the platform to fly to the snowy area. We continue to move, also killing enemies. We don’t get carried away too much, since time is limited. If we delay, the unknown will catch up with us and literally crush us. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We pass into a closed area, from where we will continue our flight.

We dodge various objects and, upon landing, encounter the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab the obelisk with kinesis. We launch it into the enemy’s big eye. We leave the center for a while and destroy the necromorphs. We endure a small shake-up, during which you need to be in the center! We shoot at the orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the steps until the monster absorbs Carver. We use kinesis again to pull him out of the enemy’s belly. We quickly run to him and actively press the indicated button. Let's watch the final video.

After the introductory video, we begin to move through the snow-covered field. We navigate using the device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the crashed aircraft. We destroy the boxes and thereby obtain ammunition for weapons. We shoot at the latch on the main door. Opening it, enemies are selected from inside. The most vulnerable areas are the limbs and head. Having entered the ship, we move towards the stairs, shooting opponents along the way. We kick corpses to obtain ammunition and first aid kits. We go up to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select the cylindrical device. Suddenly the ship moves away, and so we jump out onto the gorge with a rope. We move lower and lower, occasionally jumping over holes. We move to the left side so as not to end up above the blast wave. We roll from side to side to avoid collisions with debris.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Lunar colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look around the apartment, after which we go into the corridor, turn left and go outside. We head to the soldiers at the gate. After the dialogue, crouching and huddling behind cover. We kill a couple of enemies for training and go to the car to the right. After the explosion we find ourselves at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Don't forget to use shelters. We shoot the next suicider before he gets close to us. We enter the building and climb the stairs. After talking with Norton, we look around the room and go out into the alley. We carefully go around the corners and shoot the enemies. The never-ending flow of trucks on the highway will not allow you to cross the road. We aim at the stream and slow down one of the cars with stasis. Now the flow has stopped, and we can cross to the other side and go up.

Inside the hall we encounter a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be surrounded and to retreat back in time. We'll take the elevator to the top floor. We are immediately attacked, but Isaac flees from Danik and his people. We get up, pick up first aid kits before the enemies burst in. Having killed them, we move on to the next elevator. Having risen, we go out to a row of shops. We turn right and go through the souvenir shop. We go out into the alley and destroy the enemies. We go down the stairs in the building and take the elevator up. We arrive at the station, where we pull the locomotive to the central platform using kinesis. Then we push it into the tunnel. Similarly, we connect the fuel train to the head car. We wait for the last carriage and climb into it from behind. We move towards the locomotive, destroying enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. On my own.
U.S.M. "Eudora".

Having regained consciousness, we speak with Carver. On the shelf on the right we turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the captain's bridge. The ship makes a jump in space, after which it collides with mines. We leave the bridge, give instructions to our allies, then move forward to get the suit. Having put it on, we plunge into weightlessness and catch up with the last and main element - the helmet.

We fly to the load and use kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. Having pushed them away on different sides, we interact with the control panel. We rush through space, maneuvering between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanoke.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. We can’t go inside, so we head to the adjacent doors. We open them by aiming at the central lock and using kinesis. Now press the kinesis button again and scroll the lock. Through the airlock we go into the corridor, turn left and get into the premises, from where we open the cargo door using kinesis to the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. Using Norton's coordinates, we go to the group led by Ellie. Let's go to the right and collect all the useful items. We pass through the door and get to a room in which all the doors are blocked. We grab the battery near the central door with kinesis and install it in the corresponding hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go into the corridor. We destroy the creatures and remove the barricade near the side door using kinesis. We deal with the enemies in the room with a de-energized projector. We go out into the corridor and get to the door on the left side. Having descended, we fly in zero gravity and shoot back from the enemies clinging to the walls. Then we go up the stairs and start starting the main generator. For all three mechanisms we lower the upper parts using kinesis. Next, we grab the locks that open from above and hold down the kinesis button to unwind and subsequently supply energy. We turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for it to arrive. We go up to Ellie and the other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and begin to destroy the huge necromorph. We lower the upper parts and unwind them, as we did earlier. Tentacles will appear from below, which we shoot at the red areas. Since they are moving too fast, we will use stasis. Having walked through all the generators, we go down the same way we arrived. Being in zero gravity, we use stasis on the fans. We go to the opposite side and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, we approach the control panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the selected cells and activate them. Having filled the entire area, an elevator will be available on the left side, which will take us to the top floor.

Isaac looks at the pictures on the wall. Now we can return to Ellie at the station and go through the passage to the left of the machine. Through the corridor, we will get out into open space and head to the trolley, which will take us to Terra Nova.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Terra Nova crew dock.

Having arrived at the station, we move through the gateway. Having opened the door, we take the elevator to the captain's bridge. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. We rotate the stick and look for three blue zones that need to be fixed. We go into the corridor and clear it of opponents. We go down to the storage room, where we also carry out cleaning. We get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Upon arrival, we are informed of a problem. We go through the door on the left and climb up. We encounter an enemy stuck to the wall. We need to shoot all of its tentacles and only then can we get to the elevator. We use it to go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to clear the path of cargo. This is done by connecting two loads with sides corresponding to each other. It is quite easy to visually select them. Next, we deal with the enemies that appear and go back to the elevator.

Going downstairs, we head to the door on the left. We climb up and run to the warehouse. A new enemy appears that cannot be killed. When all limbs are torn off, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After which he regenerates and continues to attack us again. We hastily get to the trolley and call it through the console. We hold the defense until the transport arrives. We actively use stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arriving trolley we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repairs before shipment.
The tail section of the C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Having hacked it, we go inside and select the key to the conning tower. Now we can return to the trolley and go to the tail station. After arriving, we call the elevator and while we wait for it, we chop off the limbs of the immortal enemies.

The elevator will take us to the shuttle. Let's go through all the levels and collect the necessary modules. Then let's go upstairs and call the platform. We’ll cross it to the opposite side and assemble the modules in the same way. We use the machine to assemble the remote control. Next, on the platform we will cross to the center to the shuttle. Open the lid using kinesis and install the assembled remote control.

Without fuel, the shuttle cannot move. Let's move to the right side again. Having gone down the lift, turn right and go through the unlocked door. We go up, then go down and back up again on the lift. We activate the fuel pump, go to it and push it into the tank using kinesis. While refueling, we pass the time by killing approaching necromorphs. After completing the refueling, we deactivate the pump and ask Ellie to carry out the final stage in preparing the shuttle for flight.

Unexpected overheating will cause a malfunction. We go down and turn right. We are not in a hurry to run headlong, as the fire will constantly block the path. The sign will point you in the right direction. We get to the stairs and go down. We go to the lift, calling her, we restrain the immortal necromorph. We go upstairs and call the platform. Now we fight off two opponents at once. We move to the opposite side, follow the lift down and go left. We go into the building and get to the elevator, where we go to the top floor. We position ourselves behind the stationary weapon and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also, don’t forget about the enemies, of which there will be more and more over time.

The explosion took us into outer space. We get to the station, shooting mines along the way. Their approach is easy to recognize by their increasing sounds. We use the shuttle to send it to Greeley.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Greeley.

We head towards the engine using the pointer. Using kinesis we pull out the shields, then the square devices underneath them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the Roanoke station. Here you need to get three recorders from three different satellites. The first one is easy to reach with the help of a sign, but the rest will not be difficult to find due to the green illumination.

Next, follow the sign to find the nearest machine. We combine the objects found in it and return to weightlessness. We fix the module on the shuttle. We dive into the shuttle, where we notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them into the connectors and twist them one hundred and eighty degrees. Now we can hit the road by launching the shuttle through the control panel. We do not deviate from the course, that is, we keep the shuttle within the blue squares. We shoot the marked enemies and try in every possible way to avoid obstacles. We have to return to the cylinders once again and again arrange them in the correct location.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After the crash, we begin the search for the second part of the shuttle. We use fire as a guide. We also use it to replenish our heat supply. We head into an open area, and a shuttle collapses from above. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to advance, and soon we will discover the tail part of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, guided by the red signal checkers. On the slope we are attacked by the enemy, who throws us far ahead.

We find a bridge, follow along it until we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb up, turn left and enter a warm room. We start the generator and find the first message from Ellie. We go out to the snow, going down on the ski lift. We move along the pipe and descend to the ground. We destroy the appearing enemies and head to the next building. Having passed through it, we will continue to go straight until we see a signal checker. From there we turn left and get to the next checker, near which we will find a passage into the building. We communicate with the barely alive Buck.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We go left and get to the end room. We start the generator, use kinesis to pull out the gear on the wall. We deliver it to Buckle’s location and thread it into the nearby axle. We take the elevator down, where we clear the premises of small creatures. They like to attack in large groups, but they die quickly.

We get to the workshop, go up the stairs to the lower level. We install the mechanisms in the correct position using the corresponding types of tips. When the device starts, wait a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run after him and go into the passage on the far left. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device with stasis so that we have time to reach the passage and not be squeezed. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. Let's change into an arctic suit, which protects us from the cold.

Using the locator, we get out. We get to the collapsing crane and quickly press the buttons on display. At the top we find Carver, who is actively fighting with enemies. We go into the room on the right side of the lift and start the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will be interrupted by the necromorph whom we already met earlier. We shoot his constantly growing tentacles on his back. We dodge enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow, so after several successful attempts the monster will escape. We rise higher and, guided by the locator, reach the command post.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Excavation command headquarters.

The team is waiting for us outside, we go out to them and are immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy Danik’s people. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we start the generator and free the drilling device from the protective sections. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. We move in a circle so as not to end up under it. We slow down the drill with stasis and shoot the yellow parts in its center. We charge stasis through wall installations and destroy the necromorphs. Having won, we head towards the opened passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for the signal.
Sample building.

We take a lift to the heaters. After talking with Ellie, we head to the boiler room, and then go outside. On the right there is an energy block. Having pulled it out, we deliver it to the building at the other end. Enemies will attack us all the way. We push the block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run straight to that very building. Going down the stairs, insert the block into the corresponding hole. We start the boiler manually.

Let's go back to the heaters and adjust the pressure. We activate the central console and use kinesis to rotate the mechanisms, above which the number will light up. When the pressure is 100%, it means we did everything right and can go up to the team. Santos gives us the probe diagram. You need to get a few parts to create it. We reach snowy lands, where we encounter new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which they try to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way is to stand still and wait for them. Having reached the barracks, we pass through it and find ourselves on the auxiliary platform. We destroy many enemies, then turn left and hack the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated state. We pass to the end along the right side. We notice a winch on the left, we pull it with kinesis. Then we go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the last one is in the very cell that we raised.

Let's return to the site and fight with a familiar enemy, who will again hide from us. Let's return to the allies and assemble the probe on the machine.