Fallout Shelter is a tactic for protecting your shelter from attack. Fallout Shelter deathclaw attack Fallout shelter prevent losses in the shelter

There is an opinion that Fallout Shelter is like a vitamin for those fans of the game who have been waiting so long for the real Fallout 4 and have to wait a little longer. This mobile strategy really has a lot of stuff from the “big” Fallout.

Bethesda provides the user with the opportunity to work as a Guardian of one of the underground bunkers in a post-apocalyptic future. The shelter must be built, improved, protected and managed by its inhabitants, providing them with energy and the resources necessary for life and procreation.

And a lot has to do with the birth rate in Fallout Shelter, since without new residents the Shelter cannot be developed.

In general, it’s not difficult to play Fallout Shelter, but in practice, Fallout Shelter (by the way, Android games full versions download) we constantly have to solve a whole range of various problems and problems that arise every now and then for residents, so it’s not boring.

Of course, not to the same extent as in real Fallout, but there are downright dead-end moments when you have to strain your favorite brain muscle in search of exit options. Actually.

In this regard, we offer some useful tips from experienced Guardians on solving the most pressing issues in Fallout Shelter and successfully completing the game. So, how to play and win in Fallout Shelter:

we place rooms wisely

The haphazard placement of rooms in the game is one of the typical mistakes of new Guardians who do not yet know how to plan ahead when it comes to expanding the Vault. When designing your construction, try to group resource and energy-generating rooms together, and then you won't have to frantically swipe across the screen and rush around the entire bunker every time it comes time to collect the energy, food and water produced.

In turn, timely collected resources, in particular energy, make it possible to maintain weapons in combat-ready condition, with which residents will defend themselves both from raiders and from more dangerous enemies - death claws, radroaches or mole rats.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - SPECIAL - but we distribute responsibilities between the inhabitants of the Vault

It is imperative to understand the specialization of the characters. Only by properly upgrading everyone’s skills and accurately distributing residents among work areas can maximum efficiency of the entire “work collective” be achieved. For example, characters with high Strength, which, by the way, is pumped up in gyms, are better placed in rooms with power plants, Attentive ones - near water treatment equipment, but those with developed survivability indicator.

Intellectuals make excellent doctors (who make Stimulants) and chemists (who make antiradin). But charismatic comrades not only work well for Radi, attracting new residents, but are also more effective than others in improving the demographics, let’s say, in a natural way.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - We arm everyone (except pregnant women, of course)

As they explore the surrounding area, residents will bring more and more samples of various weapons to the Vault. At the very beginning of the game, you should not store it, distribute it to residents and constantly update their arsenal with more advanced rifles and machine guns. Stocks of old and ineffective weapons can be safely sold off for caps, but good weapons can be left in one of the storage rooms. The main thing is to arm everyone quickly.

Some statistics: if all combat-ready residents have guns with damage of 4 or higher, then the threat from raiders and radroaches can be considered insignificant; weapons with damage of 5-6 are guaranteed to solve problems with mole rats, moreover, without your direct intervention and without loss of personnel, but only on the condition that the attacked rooms are completely filled. Pregnant women do not need to be armed at all, since in dangerous situations they, as expected, are the first to run away.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - we are in no hurry to produce resources

Fallout Shelter provides an option to quickly produce resources, but you should not abuse it. Haste is an invaluable tool if risks are properly assessed and the Vault economy is strong, but using it too often inevitably leads to higher costs for resources and an increase in the number of “industrial accidents.” In addition, the planned production cycle (which is marked by a timer) allows you to maximize income from a particular resource.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - We do not leave characters outside the Vault for a long time

Anyone who has played Fallout at least a little knows that the wasteland is an extremely dangerous territory, replete with all sorts of super mutants, places with increased background radiation and other murderous “joys”. But it’s also impossible not to go out into the Wasteland, since its research gives the inhabitants of the Vault many useful things, and the longer and further they work, the more significant the results. However, one must see their capabilities. Characters with pumped-up Endurance, well-armed and protected, with a large supply of stimulants and antiradin should be released outside the gates of the Vault, then they will return alive (and sometimes healthy) and not empty-handed.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - maintaining the birth rate

In order for children to start appearing in Fallout Shelter, you don’t really need to work hard. We bring together at least one man and one woman with the highest possible charisma and the same level in one living room, and the process will begin. Just the normal number of kids (that is, not too many and not too little) in Fallout Shelter is often a problem. Low birth rate means economic decline and poor protection of the Shelter, too many children and pregnant women - in fact the same thing. With the development of the Shelter and the growth of the population, it is necessary to constantly take care of the placement of children: collecting them in a heap is dangerous due to the risk of all kinds of emergencies and accidents, they cannot be left without protection (at least one well-armed resident must be nearby at all times), otherwise they will be dragged away by raiders.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - follow fashion

From the Wasteland, residents will bring not only weapons, but also various clothes, which, if used correctly, are an excellent way to level up your characters. The principle is simple: they need to be dressed in clothes that increase more than one of the special characteristics. Thus, over time, you will receive one or several super-talented characters who will become a real boon for your Shelter and will themselves help you play fun in Fallout Shelter. As with weapons, ineffective clothing can be sold for caps, but, again, only after all residents are dressed “to the highest standard.”

The world after nuclear war is harsh. Lack of food, energy, clean water and a roof over their heads make the inhabitants of the “Wasteland” aggressive and intolerant of competitors. Let's figure out what threats, in addition to the lack of resources, the outside world promises our Fallout Shelter shelter.

The desire to get a reliable home, to take possession of resources without wasting effort on their extraction leads to the inexorable appearance of raiders. The dashing guys will happily destroy all the inhabitants of your shelter, taking away your resources along the way.

How to deal with raiders in Fallout Shelter? The most important thing is not to overestimate their strength. As a rule, bandits can be easily dealt with by a couple of characters stationed at the gate. The main thing is to give them the best weapons and reliable armor.

During the attack, keep an eye on your villagers' life bar. If it is completely empty, the defenders will die. To save them, you should use stimulants (just select a character and press the appropriate button). The faster you destroy enemies, the fewer resources will be stolen.

When a shelter room is attacked, whether by raiders, deathclaws, radroaches or mole rats, damage is evenly inflicted on all residents in that room.

In Fallout Shelter, as in the classic parts of the franchise, deathclaws are very dangerous opponents. The incursion of genetically engineered hellish creatures will put you on edge. During a deathclaw attack, you will lose a lot of resources and people. Try to get flamethrowers and energy weapons - these toys will make the deathclaws change their minds about the “defenseless” inhabitants of the shelter. And don't skimp on stimulants.

Don't expect to stop the deathclaws at the gate. As a rule, before they die, they manage to get to the second or third level of the shelter (here everything depends on the structure of your Volt and the leveling up of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. residents on the path of the claws). Try to move the best fighters to rooms that lie in the path of the death claws.

The attack on each room is limited in time. If the inhabitants of the room are well pumped, they will withstand the attack of the death claws and lose almost all their health, but will not die. At the same time, the claws, moving to the next room, will already have damage.

To slow down the penetration of guests from the wasteland into the shelter, in order to have time to organize a defense, you can improve the gate. It is worth noting that after the first attack of the claws, this improvement becomes almost mandatory, since ordinary gates hardly stop monsters.

Speaking about guests from the Wasteland, we have not yet talked about those who cannot be stopped by a pressure door. Radroaches and mole rats are sneaking into our shelter from underground, and they too can only be stopped by force.

The simulator of the post-apocalyptic world Fallout Shelter has already gained wild popularity. Now almost everyone is building shelters, leveling up their characters, and fighting back against raiders and radroaches. The most terrible and powerful enemy you will have to fight are the Death Claws. In Fallout Shelter they are the last level mutants. We will now talk about how to repel their attacks and not turn your shelter into a “flying Dutchman”.

What are Death Claws

Deathclaws in Fallout Shelter are called the “coolest” mutants. They have so much health that they can easily run through the entire shelter and kill a bunch of people. It is impossible to fight them off with your bare hands. Therefore, it is very advisable to arm the inhabitants of the shelter. The only good thing about the Death Claws is that they appear only at high levels, when the shelter is completely built and all the people are leveled up. There is one way to avoid meeting these “cuties”. The Deathclaws only come when the radio station is built. If there is no radio station, there are no Deathclaws. True, without a radio station, the development of the shelter will be very slow. Since new people will come very rarely. Now let's talk about how to destroy the Deathclaws in the event of an attack.

In general, death claws are found in all parts of the Fallout shooter. Getting rid of them in the original game is very difficult. In addition, Deathclaws from Fallout are divided into groups according to their degree of “coolness”. There are blind Deathclaws, legendary ones, males, queens. There are about a dozen types of Deathclaws in Fallout. So the developers of Fallout Shelter populated the game world with even the most “friendly” Claws. They are much easier to deal with than their counterparts from the classic shooter games. We’ll look at how to fight them off without suffering serious losses below.

How to fight off the Deathclaws

Deathclaws, like raiders, come from the Wastelands. Therefore, for the most effective protection, you first need to pump the shelter door. The stronger the door, the less likely it is that any mutated reptiles will break into the shelter. Of course, when radioactive rats and radroaches attack, a protected door is of little use, but they are much weaker than Death Claws.

The next thing to do is to place a couple of residents with maximally pumped “Strength” and “Endurance” characteristics near the shelter door. In addition, you need to arm these comrades with the coolest weapons. Flamethrowers are great here. Energy weapons are also a good option. If everything is done correctly, then there is a very high probability that all the Death Claws will die in the “hallway”. After the first attack of the Claws, the game will seem a little difficult, but over time you will get used to it.

Well, the final stage of protecting the shelter and its inhabitants is to arm all the characters in the shelter. If they are not armed, the Death Claws will kill everyone. And very quickly. Weapons will help preserve the shelter population and deal with the Death Claws. Don't forget about stimulants either. Their use will increase the survivability of shelter inhabitants when attacked by Death Claws.


There are many different threats in the post-war fallout shelter world. Mole rats, radroaches, raiders, Death Claws. They all want to feast on human flesh, and only you and your soldiers stand in their way. If the shelter is properly protected from attack, visits from the Death Claws will not be scary. Although these are the most powerful mutants in the game. How to defeat them was written a little higher. Equip your characters better and no mutants will be afraid of you.

A few months ago, Fallout Shelter finally became available for Android gamers, and a week later Bethesda introduced an iOS version, making the game a real mobile hit. In addition, the game recently received an update that significantly improved its performance. But, in fact, the real achievement of the developers can be called the development of the Android version, which means that most gamers will no longer listen with envy to discussions among friends, iPhone owners, talking about the release of another very exciting game. To bring back a little memory, Fallout Shelter is a post-apocalyptic game where you try to save the surviving inhabitants from radioactive fallout in a shelter, making their lives happy and joyful, and protecting them from attacks of various kinds of enemies and pests.

After the release of new updates, you will encounter a large number of different dangers, in particular, this concerns Mole Rats and Deathclaws. The latter are especially important to avoid, as they can significantly reduce the population. So, if you want to figure out how to protect shelter residents from new dangers, then the list of tips and tricks below will help you cope with the task.

First of all, note that Deathclaws move along a specific path - they start on the top floor, covering all the rooms, before descending one floor below and covering new rooms on the next floor. And this happens until they go down to the lowest floor. Moreover, it is worth noting that they do not worry about whether they destroyed all the inhabitants on each floor or not, although they are obliged to do so. Check what is happening on your screen, and if necessary, hide the inhabitants from the attacks of the deadly claws. Thus, you will definitely lose rooms, but you will be able to save the inhabitants.

2. How to repel attacks from deadly claws

If you have a low level of shelter and a low level of training of its inhabitants, then it will not be difficult for you to protect them from the deadly claws. Just make sure that the residents on the upper floors of the shelter are sufficiently armed, this means that you need to equip them with the most powerful types of weapons. Of course, they will need first aid kits.

3. How to prevent attacks from deadly claws and diggers

The simplest tip to use here is to choose one of the rooms that plays the least significant role in the shelter and hold onto it until the last. She will not be attacked in the event of a natural disaster, meaning that neither the deathclaws nor the diggers will be able to attack her in the event of any disaster.

4. Destroy the diggers

Diggers can be destroyed using the same methods as Death Claws. In addition, you will also be able to use the methods with which you fight against radioactive cockroaches and raiders. Diggers are very easy targets, so you don't have to worry too much about them.


In this guide we will show you how to find mysterious stranger inFallout Shelter and what does this give mysterious character.

The Stranger is an Easter egg that appeared in update 1.2. He looks like a strange guy in a raincoat and hat, basically the spitting image of an exhibitionist. It is quite difficult to find it if you have equipped your shelter in the highest class.

How to find a mysterious stranger?

This is not so easy to do, because he very skillfully hides among the textures of the shelter and quickly disappears, so you need to catch him quickly. Before it appears, specific music plays on the piano (and with update 1.4, there is also a double vibration signal on the device):

if you do not find it within fifteen seconds, then it disappears and this is also accompanied by a sound signal and a single vibration signal:

The main advice that can be given for searching for him is to be careful and check every room of your shelter, because this comrade can be hiding anywhere.

What does the mysterious stranger give?

First of all, this is a pretty good opportunity to lift the lids, especially at the initial stage of development, when you have few rooms and it’s easy to search spyFallout Shelter, and the reward seems quite impressive. Unfortunately, you won’t get lunch boxes from it, but you can read about how to farm a huge amount of them and other secrets of the game.

Secondly, this is a way to keep yourself busy in the game. Since it takes place rather slowly, in farm simulator mode, this is one of the ways to stay in the game longer.

So we figured it out where to find the mysterious stranger inFallout Shelter and why is it needed.

Have a good game!