Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a famous computer masterpiece. Hacked GTA San Andreas Download games for GTA push-button phone

GTA: San Andreas is a full-fledged port of the cult action game, the capabilities of which are fully consistent with the desktop version.

Game process

A boundless open world and complete freedom of action is what attracts the attention of gamers to this game so much. As in the PC version, users will have to try on the role of Carl Johnson, who decided to take an unfair fate into his own hands.

70 hours of shootouts, hijackings and other illegal missions, as well as the opportunity to travel around replicas of Las Venturas, Las Santos and San Fierro - who wouldn't want that? The hacked version, in turn, will make life much easier for Carl Johnson, who will not be able to limit himself in equipment, weapons, cars and real estate.

Controls and graphics

The variable control system has been successfully adapted to touch screens of mobile gadgets. For the battle mode, there is a virtual joystick in the lower left part of the screen, as well as a number of action keys on the right.

The driving mode of the vehicle involves a skillful interaction of swipes and taps, so you have to get used to it.

As for the graphics, perhaps the character models here look even better than in the computer version. Textures have also been improved and the play of light has been reworked. The physical system has undergone some changes, certainly for the better.

It should also be noted that there are extensive graphic settings that allow you to use all the capabilities of mobile gadgets to play GTA: San Andreas.

You can also download the hacked GTA San Andreas with a cheat mod. The cheater allows any Grand Theft Auto San Andreas player to use various cheats.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a game that made a lot of noise when it was released on personal computers. But time dictates new laws. For fans of this third-person shooter, the developer has created a mobile version of the game. You can download GTA San Andreas to your smartphone or tablet from this site.

Story line

The main character of this game is Carl Johnson. He managed to serve time for murder. Which, however, he did not do. Returning to his hometown, Karl faces new problems. A crime is being pinned on him again. In addition, Johnson's mother died suddenly, and his brother became a famous gangster. The hero has to solve his problems. To do this, you need to complete missions that are tied to the plot of the game.

Completing the next mission will allow you to get some in-game currency and reputation points. We suggest downloading GTA San Andreas for free and gradually improving your character's skills.

The action takes place in familiar landscapes. Residents move around the city, entering bakeries and hairdressers. But they are prevented from living a quiet, philistine life by periodic shootouts between bandits. Karl needs to build a business and try not to get into another adventure.


By downloading GTA San Andreas on Android, you get standard controls for mobile devices. Virtual buttons located on the touchpad will help your hero move and perform various actions. Over time, you will be able to learn how to move around the city on your own two feet, drive a car, and also shoot from various weapons.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this game was its excellent graphics. The developers managed to port the game, improving the detail of the characters and the depiction of locations. If you have already played this shooter, then by downloading the mobile version from our website, you will immediately find yourself in the places you used on your computer.

Other advantages we note:

  • Excellent optimization will help the application run even on weak devices.
  • Ability to save the game where you left off.
  • Full port of the computer version of the game.

As for the shortcomings, they include unusual controls. If you are used to playing this shooter on the keyboard, then you will have to relearn for a long time.

Overall, the game was a success and will help gamers have an interesting time. Moreover, thanks to the mobile version it has become available everywhere.

The series of exciting games Grand Theft Auto from the famous company Rockstar has long gained high popularity among a large number of fans of computer games. In 2004, the most successful part appeared, which was called Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The game features stunning graphics and original sound that will not leave anyone indifferent. Complete freedom of action and an open world made this game a classic of this genre. Now, almost all developers of computer games in this genre focus specifically on GTA: San Andreas. You have the opportunity to download GTA San Andreas to your mobile phone and enjoy high-quality graphics and vibrant gameplay.

Game Features

The GTA San Andreas game for Android features exciting gameplay that is varied and unpredictable. It is necessary to highlight such an important point that in the game, no one limits you. That means you can do whatever you want. In addition to a large number of buildings, the player can move around a huge territory and do whatever he wants. Download GTA San Andreas for free, you have an excellent opportunity on our website, and immerse yourself in the open world of gameplay with stunning graphics. A large number of different cars that can be stolen. In the game, you will not be bored, because there are a large number of different events happening here.

The basis of the GTA San Andreas game for Android is a criminal American city that is filled with treachery and intrigue. Criminal gangs constantly clash, and a fierce struggle begins, where someone is constantly being killed. CJ is an ordinary young man who came to a city that seemed to him quite calm and peaceful. But very soon he ends up in a gang, and now various adventures await him. He will have to steal a car and also participate in shootouts with the police to save his life. You can download the game on the website for free without spending a lot of your time.

GTA San Andreas is a game that was released back in 2005, but is still popular and has no similar ones. The game shows the events of the 90s, gangs and crime in the city of Los Santos. The main character, Carl Johnson, is losing his authority, and our job is to regain it. As the game progresses, we are shown videos that gradually introduce us to the essence of the matter and roughly explain what is going on. This version of the game is a continuation, but has no direct connection with previous versions. You can download GTA San Andreas for Android in the play market, or on available Internet portals, where there are detailed installation instructions.

The game creates a real world in front of us in which the player needs to eat, exercise, improve his skills and go to the hospital. It is also possible to enter almost any house and rob it. The game levels are very interesting and logical, and most importantly, understandable. Not everything will work out the first time, but if you practice well, you will succeed. GTA San Andreas, despite all the coolness of the game, can be downloaded for free.

GTA San Andreas for Android is a game with simple controls and a cool plot. The developers have made a convenient autosave system, so you can exit the game and not worry about lost levels. For shooting, we made an auto-aim, since shooting from a phone is not very convenient. You can download the game from many sites. The graphics and interface are optimized for all phone models so that there are no problems with control. The player can independently choose the control that is convenient for him, using the keys or moving the phone. Just like on a computer, you can choose weapons, go to shooting ranges, rob and lead a gangster life.

To download the game for free, you need to download the game file separately, and then the cache. After this, according to the instructions, you need to direct the files to certain folders, then the game will be configured and installed. Play Market carries out the installation itself, but for a fee. It is best to watch videos of how the installation is carried out so that everything works the first time.

The magnificent game GTA San Andreas from the famous "Grand Theft" series has now been released for Android mobile phones, which cannot but please all fans of dangerous adventures on crazy city streets, in which the police are not your friend at all. Rockstar Games has created an incredibly exciting game GTA San Andreas for Android devices with an open world, in which you can visit any corner of the giant state, find a lot of troubles for yourself, deal with them or run away without looking back.
The player is offered to visit three large cities at once: Las Venturas, Los Santos or San Fierro. The graphics in the game, despite the fact that this is a mobile version, are at a good modern level, and the city streets themselves are worked out to the smallest detail. The approximate time to complete the entire game is about 70 hours, but in practice it takes much longer, so there will be plenty to do for fans of auto mayhem.

The main character of the game, Carl Johnson, left his hometown of Los Santos five years ago. In this noisy metropolis, absolutely everything is mixed up, from the luxurious villas of world celebrities to dirty drug dealers who feel absolutely safe here from the forces of law and order.

In order not to procrastinate on the history of the gameplay, we suggest right now download gta san andreas game for free in Russian from our gaming portal.

Karl was forced to return home again in the early 90s. His mother is killed, his friends are in trouble, and his brother and sister are not getting along catastrophically. But the situation in GTA San Andreas can get worse if the dirty cops who detained you are going to pin on your soul the murder of a policeman that you did not commit. To avoid undeserved punishment and bring the lives of his family and friends in order, the main character needs to travel throughout the entire state of San Andreas in search of answers and unexpected solutions to save his own skin from prison.

Fans of the Android version of GTA San Andreas for the phone can count on:

  1. the ability to choose from three different control schemes and, if desired, customize special buttons with a contextual image;
  2. improved graphics performance, such as a more diverse color palette, increased resolution, character models that look much more realistic than before, as well as lighting effects that have undergone some changes for the better;
  3. the presence of a feedback system called Immersion;
  4. the game supports some gamepads via USB or Bluetooth, as well as the ability to use MoGa wireless controllers;
  5. the presence of several virtual joysticks to control the movement and direction of the camera;
  6. the ability to synchronize your own games using convenient cloud storage, although to do this you need to be a member of the Rockstar Social Club;
  7. access to graphics settings for various platforms.
In order to enjoy the GTA game, you do not need to learn a new language, because it was released in several languages ​​at once - including Russian. To make the game run more fun, it is recommended to restart your mobile phone after installing it, and also not to leave other applications active that may hang in the background, which can negatively affect the performance of the gadget.

All reviews

Kirill 2019-03-10 20:05:47

Rating: 9 out of 10

The appearance of the mobile version of the game Grand theft Auto San Andreas was a real gift for fans. Now users can enjoy high-quality graphics and an advanced interface anywhere.


The main character Carl Johnson is forced to return to San Andreas. The user finds himself in the familiar atmosphere of the 90s, which can be found in American action films. Street gangs engage in robbery and murder. Carl Johnson doesn't want to go back to his old life.

However, failures immediately begin to haunt him. Corrupt police are fabricating a case against Karl. They force him to eliminate unwanted people.

Game process

Russian-speaking users will not have to translate menu items and understand the interface features. Rockstar was able to completely adapt the game to the mobile platform.

The screen can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. On the left side there is a joystick, which is designed to control the movement of the character.
  2. On the right side of the screen there are control buttons that allow you to perform certain actions. For example, the hero can get into a car or strike.

The main feature of GTA San Andreas for Android includes contextual buttons. With their help, the user can take a photo or take off on an airplane.

The player does not have to follow the main storyline at all.

Graphic arts

Please note that the game requires at least 1 GB of RAM. The developers paid special attention to the detailed drawing of objects. Players won't have to look at angular shapes.

Moreover, the program is fully synchronized with the Rockstar Games service. Now the user can independently adjust the graphics quality taking into account the performance of the gadget.


The mobile version of the game is not inferior to the computer version in terms of the number of modifications. The user can install additional mods for GTA San Andreas.

The main character can visit shops or tattoo parlors and engage in illegal activities. The game world is divided into 3 islands. In each location, unique adventures await the user. To download the GTA San Andreas game absolutely free, you should use this site. You can also buy it in the Google Play store for 500 rubles.

In the mobile version, players were able to listen to their own music. The user can save the game not only on the smartphone, but also on the developer’s servers.

Igor 2019-03-09 08:50:50

Rating: 10 out of 10

Carl Johnson is back! A 25-year-old black guy nicknamed CJ is forced to return to Los Santos, which he left several years ago. In this metropolis, wealth and poverty coexist with each other. Many areas are mired in drug trafficking and banditry, but Karl has a family here. His mother recently died, and he must help his friends and relatives who are currently in a difficult situation.

GTA San Andreas for Android appeared 10 years after the release of the version on PC and game consoles. Every gamer should be incredibly happy that he can download the legendary game directly to his mobile device, from the screen of which the gamer will have to defend the honor of Carl Johnson and his family.

Main features of the game:

  • Open world with tons of entertainment.
  • Over 70 hours of compelling gameplay, split between main and side graphics, redesigned specifically for mobile with Rockstar cloud services.
  • Simple and convenient control using a virtual joystick.
  • Ability to connect third-party controllers via USB or Bluetooth.
  • Multi-language support.

Game process

Anyone who decides to download GTA San Andreas will receive unforgettable emotions, since the game plot is extremely rich. In it, Carl Johnson, who has returned to Los Santos, will plunge into gang warfare from the first seconds. First, careless cops will pin the murder on him, and then CJ will gradually begin to climb the criminal hierarchy, gaining a reputation for his gang. As the story progresses, the player will visit three cities in the state of San Andreas: Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas. Each of them has a real prototype, so it will not be difficult for gamers to recognize the distinctive features of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas.

The game has a clear storyline that opens up cities and surrounding areas, but the gamer has the right to freely choose what to do at a certain moment. You can, for example, practice your shooting accuracy at a specialized shooting range, visit a rocking gym, or go on a date with a girl. Each characteristic affects the development of the character and helps him in street battles and shootouts.

GTA San Andreas is available absolutely free, which means that everyone has the opportunity to experience unprecedented freedom through the gameplay. 2019-03-11 09:30:51

Rating: 8 out of 10

A few years ago, the public saw the cult GTA San Andreas on Android. This part of the game is still loved by many users and, naturally, was in great demand among phone users. However, it should be noted that the application’s system requirements are average, and therefore not every budget model will be able to reproduce RockStar’s creation without unnecessary FPS drops.

The game takes place in the USA in the 90s of the last century. CJ, the hero of this part, returned to his hometown to once again raise his district from its knees and help his brother. That is, the plot is fully consistent with what users saw in the classic version for the computer.

The controls in the mobile version of the cult series do not look very convenient. In the left corner of the screen the user will see a small joystick that will control the character. In the right corner there will be all other functions - interaction with objects, weapons, shooting, running acceleration. But you get used to it quickly enough and continue to enjoy the atmosphere.

Of course, before downloading GTA San Andreas, you need to take into account that as you progress through the game’s storyline, some difficulties may arise. First of all, they relate to completing missions with airplanes and helicopters. Let's be honest, the control of aircraft here is far from being at the highest level, but you can get through it all without the help of third-party programs or the help of experienced players. It’s just that playing on a phone obviously becomes more hardcore than on a computer.

There are small complaints about the shooting, because instead of making it more or less interesting, RockStar did like some console manufacturers by inserting a standard auto-aim. Meanwhile, it could be found in some modifications of the classic GTA.

In general, from the point of view of controls and the gameplay itself, the game has lost a little and has been optimized so that it is playable, but you need to understand that it is not loved for the graphics or the opportunity to shoot. This part is loved by many for its open world, good plot and dynamic narrative, so download GTA San Andreas on your Android phones and tablets - this is an excellent solution for those who want to while away a few extra hours of their time.

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GTA games. In this subsection you will find all games related to GTA for Android. From us you can download the GTA game for free, without any additional effort, registration, or sending an SMS code. The selection of GTA games is quite large, you can find a version of the GTA game to suit your taste and enjoy excellent quality. This genre is gaining particular popularity, because interest in it does not subside, but, on the contrary, increases in connection with the release of a new part of the GTA game. Fans of this genre will not be disappointed; here you can find the GTA game you need for Android.