How to cure vampirism in Skyrim. How to cure vampirism in Skyrim? Skyrim anti-vampirism potion

Diseases in the world of Skyrim: lycanthropy and vampirism | Features of the game werewolf and vampire

How to become a werewolf or a vampire in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim? What are the benefits of lycanthropy and vampirism? And how to recover from these terrible diseases? I will try to give detailed answers to these and other questions.

Attention! This article contains spoilers!

Lycanthropy: the path of the Werewolf in Skyrim

Do you want new unusual sensations? Game creators The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim found an elegant solution! If in the previous parts of the game you had to spend weeks on end looking for meetings with a werewolf, and then re-register a hundred times, in the hope of catching lycanthropy, then in Skyrim, turning into a werewolf is framed as a quest for a faction.


In principle, lycanthropy does not provide any special disadvantages. You will turn into a werewolf only at your own request; the animal will carry all the clothes with it (although it is not entirely clear where it puts them). To remain a werewolf longer, you need to devour the corpses of the people you kill. Which, by the way, also replenishes life. If you don't eat people, you'll turn back into a human pretty quickly. In addition, lycanthropy provides 100% protection from any disease. Including from infection with vampirism. So if you became a werewolf and would like to turn into a vampire, lycanthropy will have to be cured.

The downside is that you won’t be able to receive the rest bonus after sleep (which gives you faster skill upgrades). The game in the guise of a werewolf takes place from a third person, which many may not like. In close combat, a werewolf does not have any special advantages over, say, a well-pumped warrior in heavy armor. Those. the werewolf, of course, is strong, but in such a way that he can brutally tear everyone to pieces - there is no such thing in Skyrim.

To become a werewolf, go to Whiterun and join the Companions faction. One of their quests will be turning into a werewolf. Here, from the Companions, over time it will be possible to receive the appropriate quest and go in search of a cure for lycanthropy. Which is very convenient.

In principle, you can safely complete quests for your Companions. Joining the Companions faction is especially recommended. Lycanthropy does not have any particular disadvantages, although, in my opinion, it does not provide any particular advantages (100% disease resistance can hardly be called a significant advantage). Which overall blurs the experience of playing as a werewolf. But I still recommend being a werewolf at least once. To experience all the delights of playing a werewolf in your own wolf skin.

Vampirism: the path of the Vampire in Skyrim

Unlike lycanthropy, vampirism can only be contracted through “contact” with a vampire. Those. infection occurs completely randomly, there are no quests like “join such and such a faction and you will definitely become a vampire” in the game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim No. To become infected with vampirism, hugging and kissing a vampire is completely optional. It will be quite enough if the vampire uses the Vampire Suction spell on you. However, there is a relatively small chance of contracting Sanguinare Vampiris disease.

Sanguinare Vampiris Disease in Active Effects

From the moment you become infected with the disease, you will have three days to drink a bottle of Cure Disease potion or touch the altar of one of the nine gods. Otherwise, in three days you will turn into a vampire.

Vampirism provides both bonuses and maluses:

  • 100% resistance to disease and poison
  • Vampire is 25% harder to spot when sneaking
  • 25% bonus to Illusion
  • talent to see in the dark (similar to the talent of the Khajiit race, can be activated/deactivated at any time as many times as desired)

Vampires also have such a parameter as hunger. Fasting, on the one hand, opens up new spells for the vampire (which disappear without a trace after drinking the blood) and increases resistance to Frost. On the other hand, it increases vulnerability to Fire and Fear of Light (during the day on the surface, health, magic and strength levels decrease, strength levels are not restored).

1) Vampirism of the first stage is characterized by:

  • mild photophobia (decrease in health, magic and stamina by 15 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire 25%, and resistance to Cold 25%.
  • the spell Vampire Suction takes away 2 units of life
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a weak dead person for 60 seconds once a day.

2) Vampirism of the second stage is characterized by:

  • increased photophobia (by 30 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and resistance to Cold increases to 50%
  • the spell Vampire Suction takes away 3 units of life
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a more powerful dead person for 60 seconds once a day.
  • appears

3) Vampirism of the third stage is characterized by:

  • severe photophobia (by 45 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and resistance to Cold increases to 75%
  • the spell Vampire Suction takes away 4 units of life
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a powerful dead person for 60 seconds once a day.
  • talent Vampire Seduction, when used, creatures and people up to level 10 inclusive do not fight for 30 seconds

4) Vampirism of the last 4 stages is characterized by:

  • very severe photophobia (60 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and resistance to Cold increases to 100%
  • The Vampire Suction spell takes away 5 units of life.
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a very powerful dead person for 60 seconds once a day.
  • talent Vampire Seduction, when used, creatures and people up to level 10 inclusive do not fight for 30 seconds
  • a new talent appears - Embrace of Shadows, in which the vampire can become invisible for 180 seconds (night vision is automatically activated)

Thanks to progressive hunger and a whole set of bonuses and maluses, the life of a vampire in Skyrim is much more varied and eventful than the life of a werewolf. The disease affects the appearance of the vampire himself - a hungry look and pale skin raise questions among civilians. If a vampire is really hungry, he already looks so unpresentable that everyone he meets begins to rush at him. So it’s better not to bring things to the fourth stage.

What's a hungry vampire to do? Of course, feed on the blood of innocent victims! To do this, you need to sneak up on a sleeping character and drink his blood. The vampire’s “victims” are not affected by his nightly adventures in any way. Alas, vampirism in the game is completely vanilla, you won’t be able to infect a jarl with vampirism, or drink a unwary sentry in some dungeon. For which I severely reprimand the creators of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim!

Today on the menu is the Jarl of Solitude!

Now let's talk about treatment. Curing from vampirism is not easy, but very simple! All you have to do is go into any tavern and ask the bartender to tell you the latest rumors. He will mention a certain magician from Morthal, who devoted his life to the study of vampires, draugr and other undead. It is from him that you can receive a quest to cure vampirism. The quest itself is simple, I don’t see any point in describing it here.

In general, playing the game as a vampire significantly diversifies it. Vampirism is especially good (due to the bonus to stealth and the ability to see in the dark) and (who don’t care about stamina recovery during the day on the surface).


Lycanthropy itself gives mostly, albeit small, bonuses, so that by completing quests for the Companions faction, you can safely become a werewolf. The downside is the lack of a bonus to the speed of leveling up all skills after sleep.

> How to avoid becoming a vampire in Skyrim?

How to avoid becoming a vampire in Skyrim?

It's easy to become a vampire in Skyrim; these creatures have literally taken over all the local caves. And if this is a slightly exaggerated description, then not by much; finding vampires in The Elder Scrolls 5 will not be difficult. There are no problems with contracting the disease (Sanguinare Vampiris), which will ultimately turn your character into a vampire in three days. Fortunately for those who do not intend to become a vampire in Skyrim, it is also not difficult to be cured at an early stage.

If in previous parts of the Elder Scrolls series it was necessary to find vampires before thinking about vampirism, then in Skyrim there are no such problems. On the hero’s path when completing tes 5 tasks, you will encounter a lot of vampires, which you can take advantage of if you wish. There are also a lot of these creatures in ordinary caves, and it is not difficult to understand that vampires live there - human bodies, their parts and a lot of blood are scattered everywhere. The vampires themselves also do not hide their essence much, and the word “vampire” is also included in the description of the enemies.

Having found a vampire, we can assume that the issue of infection with Sanguinare Vampiris has already been resolved, but it is better to make sure of this. You can carefully look at the upper left part of the screen, where a message about infection will appear; you can track the disease by reducing your maximum health. But it’s easier and more reliable to look at the character’s active effects.. As soon as the Sanguinare Vampiris disease appears in the list of effects, we can assume that the process of turning into a bloodsucker has begun. In three days you will become a real vampire, but our goal today is completely different. In order not to become a vampire, you just need to cure yourself at the stage of the disease From him. This can be done either with a potion that cures diseases or in local temples. It’s simpler and faster - a potion, fortunately you can’t call it rare and expensive. Again in the menu of active effects we check the list and make sure that Sanguinare Vampiris disease has left the effects set.

It is worth treating after the final clearing of places inhabited by vampires, since the next contact with this type of undead can again lead to illness and the need for repeated treatment. If infection does not occur for a long time, and you do not mind tasting the blood, then leave one vampire alive and let him deal damage to your hero. This will increase the chance of becoming infected with vampirism, although it is already high. However, if you are already a werewolf, then entry into the kingdom of the night is closed to you - the character has complete immunity to vampirism.

The whole idea of ​​a convenient cure for vampirism is that at the stage of a common disease it is very easy to do. If the character has already become a vampire, then to be cured you will need to complete a special quest or continue to live as a bloodsucker. This also has its gaming advantages, but there are also a number of restrictions for such creatures. So, if you have no desire to drink blood in Skyrim, I advise you to often check the list of active effects when contacting vampires, so as not to accidentally trigger the Sanguinare Vampiris disease.

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You can do many incredible things and become extraordinary creatures. In this article we will try to understand the darkest depths of the game and tell you how to catch a special disease and turn into a vampire.

Becoming a vampire in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is very easy, but it comes with some very dangerous steps. Before starting this path, you must make sure that your character does not have a lycanthropic disease that turns into a werewolf, because it gives immunity to vampirism. How do you actually get infected with the disease known as Sanguinare Vampiris?

How to become a vampire in Elder Scrolls V

As already mentioned, this is quite simple to do. The most reliable way is to be attacked by vampires. Each attack using a physical vampire weapon and the Vampiric Drain spell gives a 10 percent chance of contracting the disease. You can find lower level vampires in Morvarth's Lair, the open area before the dungeon entrance, and let them attack. You will be able to take several hits before dying, this greatly increases your chances of becoming infected. Then you will have to wait 72 hours or 3 in-game days. At the same time, it is important not to take any healing drinks or perform other actions that provoke recovery. This also applies to prayers in churches. After the specified period, to complete the transformation you need to go out into the sun. You have now become a vampire.

For PC players, the conversion process is even simpler and will only take a few minutes. To do this, you need to use the command menu and enter the following command: player.setrace playerracevampire, where instead of the second word player you need to write the name of your race. For example, if you are Khajit, then you need to write this: player.setrace khajitracevampire. If you do everything correctly, you will immediately become a vampire.

How to be a vampire?

After transformation, you need to quickly adapt to the new role and try to follow the rules necessary for a vampire. Every 24 hours, your vampirism stage will increase by one level. There are only 4 such stages, each of them increases proportionally both positive and negative effects. Feeding always returns to the first stage.

Each stage:

  • Increases frost resistance.
  • Increases vulnerability to fire.
  • Increases the intensity of sun damage.
  • Increases vampiric strength and gives access to more vampiric spells.
  • Makes NPCs more hostile towards you.

Now all your adventures and travels will have to be done at night, use your new vampire abilities to the maximum to hide from enemies. Also, don't forget to eat regularly to curb your bloodlust.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a development by Bethesda Game Studios, the fifth in its series. While playing this game, gamers choose their own locations, study them and find new tasks. The plot takes place in the province of Skyrim, and the main line is represented by the appearance of a powerful dragon, and the main character’s task is to destroy it.

If you were a vampire in Skyrim for a couple of days and didn’t like it, then, if you wish, you can always get rid of this disease. Moreover, if you play as a character for whom vampirism is not at all good, for example an orc with a two-handed sword, then getting rid of this disease will be just happiness for you.

How to get rid of vampire disease in Skyrim

To be cured of vampirism in Skyrim, we need to perform a small series of actions, after which we can calmly walk in the sun. So what do we need:

  1. We study the spell “Soul Capture” or find a weapon with this ability.
  2. We go to the small settlement of Falkreath and find the most popular bar in that area, “Dead Honey”. We approach the character, whose name is Volga Vinicia, and question her until she tells you that a certain Folion, who lives in Morthal, was studying the disease “Vampirism”. This will be the key to the vampirism we need.
  3. After which, accordingly, we go to Morthal and look for Folion there. We learn from him that if we want to be cured of vampirism, we need a ritual with a black stone that is completely filled with souls. This stone can also be purchased from Folion himself; the price, in this case, will depend on the level of your eloquence.
  4. After receiving the necessary tool, we need to fill the soul stone. To do this, we travel and kill various robbers, thieves and capture their souls using weapons or a special spell.
  5. After filling the stone, we should return to the Folian and perform the ritual we need.

In the game world of The Elder Scrolls, there is a transition to a state of vampirism - essentially, it is a disease that reduces some skills, but gives the character super skills and increases strength.

Infection occurs in the event of a collision with a vampire who uses a spell called “drain life”. If you drink a healing potion or go to the altar within 72 hours after infection, it doesn’t matter which Skyrim deity, then vampirism will go away.

But if this is not done within three days, irreversible changes begin to occur and the first stage of the disease appears.

Vampirism in Skyrim

There are players who benefit from vampirism. Of course, sunlight leads the character to weakness and loss of health, but otherwise he receives excellent qualities: immunity from all diseases, poison no longer affects him, camouflage well in the dark, use powerful spells from the school of magic. Therefore, such Skyrim players do not worry about how to recover from vampirism. But not everyone thinks so: some players do not like red eyes, fangs and dull skin color, and also hide in dungeons during the day. In this case, you urgently need to look for a way to cure vampirism.

Stages of the disease

The first stage is infection

The eyes turn red and the skin becomes dull, and other game characters (NPCs) begin to notice this. By sneaking up secretly, you can drink the blood of NPCs who are sleeping.

Stable effects:

  • the ability to withstand frost increases by 25%;
  • damage from fire increases by 25%;
  • When exposed to sunlight, magic, stamina and health are reduced by 15 points.

Second stage - 24 hours after infection

State change:

  • the ability to resist cold increases by 50%;
  • flame causes 50% more damage;
  • the influence of the sun reduces health, magic and stamina by 30 units.

Third stage - 48 hours after infection


  • the ability to withstand cold increases to 75%;
  • damage from exposure to fire increases to 75%;
  • health, magic and strength in the sun are reduced by 45 points.

Stage four - 72 hours after infection

The main part of the characters will attack you even in bright times.

Stable effects:

  • the effects of cold are ignored 100%;
  • fire deals 100% more damage;
  • the sun takes away health, magic and strength in the amount of 60 points.

At the last stage other characters will start hostility towards your hero, this will happen due to your complete transformation into a vampire. Without quenching the thirst for blood, the transition through the stages occurs every 24 hours. As thirst is quenched, hunger decreases to the first stage. A vampire at stage 4 is susceptible to attack by all characters in the game. Therefore, you need to constantly look for a sleeping character and quench your thirst for blood. The ability to drink blood from sleeping characters only appears in stealth mode, similar to pickpocketing.

Ways to cure vampirism

The easiest and fastest way is to get rid of the disease using the console, but not all Skyrim players will approve of this. However, you can open your game console and enter the following command: player.removespell 000b8780. This will complete the quest started during the infection. It must be remembered that this method works only once during the game; with subsequent infections, you will have to look for other ways to cure the disease.

It will be no less simple getting rid of vampirism by overcoming the tasks of your comrades. As a result, the character gets the opportunity to turn into a werewolf (werewolf). This is otherwise called lycanthropy, which competes with vampirism. You need to join the team of Companions, complete several tasks and wait for a more difficult task called the Silver Hand. Now take part in the Blood Ritual and destroy the werewolf killers.

In the process of completing the quest The Silver Hand, Aela the Huntress will turn your hero into a werewolf, to demonstrate its capabilities. After completing the quest, you will have the opportunity to refuse lycanthropy or remain in the werewolf state; if you refuse, vampirism will be cured. There are players who consider lycanthropy a superpower, and some consider it a disease worse than vampirism.

Werewolves have increased health and strength, their claws are capable of delivering crushing blows.

Quest Rise at Dawn

Considering that you are in the game, it is much more interesting to cure vampirism yourself. So, you need to complete the quest - Rising at Dawn. It will become available after transforming into a vampire state. Information for the passage can be found from the owner of each tavern in Skyrim; you need to ask about the latest rumors. It will become clear that the sorcerer Falion in Morthal is studying vampires, and is also looking for a way to cure this disease. Now you need to go to Morthal - a settlement in the north of the province, located in the swamps. Necessary find Falion and call on him for help. The sorcerer will set the condition to find the black soul stone and place the soul in it.

Many sorcerers sell the soul stone, and Falion is no exception. In lairs where necromancers hide, you can also find a black stone. The soul is captured using the appropriate spell. The level of souls that need to be imprisoned in the stone must be high: human, elf, representative of the bestial race, dremora. The most convenient way to get a soul is to kill the first bandit you come across on the way. At Falion's request, the stone will need to be taken to the forest and placed in the circle of prayer, which is near Morthal, where he will perform a ritual that will cure you of vampirism.

Vampires in the game Skyrim tend to play in stealth mode, while a werewolf is more suited to melee combat. Both options have their pros and cons, but if you take into account the fact that in the werewolf state you receive fewer negative effects, then this transformation is less dangerous than vampirism.