Secrets of playing the fool. Secrets of playing the fool How to quickly learn to play cards

How to remember cards when playing the fool

One of the most common card games is toss fool. The rules are simple: each player at the beginning of the game has six cards, each one in turn (if he didn’t take it) throws it to each other, you have to fight in the same suit, the trump card beats everything, the seniority of the cards is standard. If you want to increase your winning percentage, then you need to remember the cards that came out so that at the end of the game you know your opponent’s hand. Knowing the enemy's cards, and if the opponent does not know yours, the probability of winning increases significantly: often, even with the help of knowledge, you can emerge victorious with a worse hand. But how do you remember cards?

If you play the fool online, then there is a special program for memorization - Card Assistant. Its interface is very simple: we click on the cards that are currently in the game, and then send them either to the batto or back to the deck - depending on the result. But this program is unlikely to help you if you do not play online, but with friends and acquaintances - with real cards. In this case, all that remains is to learn to memorize the cards. We will look at two ways to do this below.

Let's analyze the problem into its components. So we have 36 cards, 4 suits. At first glance, the task of keeping all of them in your head is impossible, or at least difficult to achieve. However, don't despair. The first thing you should pay attention to is the main cards. What are our main cards? That's right, trump cards and pictures (aces, kings, queens, jacks). So first of all, let's learn to remember the trump cards that came out. Believe me, sometimes knowing the trump cards that come out is a huge advantage.

To remember the trump cards that came out, you can use the repetition method. It consists in the fact that you pronounce the cards that have come out. For example, seven, ten, jack are already trump cards. You simply constantly (automatically and without distraction), monotonously repeat their names to yourself, preferably in ascending order of seniority: 7, 10, jack, 7, 10, jack, and so on throughout the game. As soon as, for example, another eight and an ace come out, we add them to the repeated row: 7,8, 10, jack, ace, 7, 8, 10, jack, ace - and so on until the moment when there are no more cards left in the deck - they are all in their hands. As soon as such a moment comes, we do the opposite: we look at our trump cards, throw away those that we repeated and, voila, we know our opponent’s cards!

You shouldn’t think that this method is complicated; in fact, after some practice, everyone can remember the trump cards that came out in this way. However, if you want to know not only the trump cards that came out, but also all the others, then you should pay attention to another method - visual representation. Its essence lies in the fact that a person imagines a deck of cards, for example, in this form

And, as soon as some of them come out, he simply throws them away. At the end of the game, you just need to remove your own as well - and the opponent’s hand is in full view. It’s worth saying right away that this method of memorizing cards for a fool is more complex than the previous one. Therefore, it would be wiser to first present not the entire deck, but, for example, a number of trump cards - and throw them out gradually, as they go into the bit. Then you can gradually complicate the task - add other suits or expand vertically - aces, kings.

Finally, it is worth noting that the game of throwing the fool itself, despite its apparent relative simplicity, is still excellent training for developing attention, memory and making quick decisions. And if you use the method described above to memorize cards, the training will be even more effective. Generally speaking, for the flip-flop, as for other games, there are well-established game strategies, using which, together with knowledge of the opponent’s cards, the winning percentage can be increased, if not to one hundred percent, then it can be increased very significantly. In future articles I will share some of these secrets. In fact, these are not exactly secrets, but information that an experienced player knows on an intuitive level - I will try to generalize and systematize it. But this is in other articles, and from this, I hope, you gained knowledge about how to memorize cards. A fool and more.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about the game Fool, because even children play it. You just need to learn the names of cards and suits, understand what a trump card is, and know for yourself - go and fight back, the rules of the game Fool are extremely simple. But why sometimes, when we sit down to play, do we lose game after game? Perhaps our opponent knows some secrets?

Remembering the cards

If a good memory is, alas, not your advantage, do not be upset. After all, you can remember at least only the trump cards that came out of the game. There are 9 trump cards in total, and one of them will remain open until the very end of the game. Also, we hope that some of the trump cards will be in your hands, and then the task will be greatly simplified.

Did you try it, did it work? Great. Then you can complicate the task - try to remember the color cards that came out - jacks, queens, kings and aces. Some players even develop their own memory systems, such as numbers or letters. If you can do this, you will be more or less in control of the situation and will be able to calculate your moves.

Collect paired cards

Moreover, you can collect both small paired cards (they will be useful to you for your move) and large ones. The ideal scenario is when you have collected four large cards of the same value, for example, 4 queens or 4 aces. Then, by fighting back, you risk nothing; no one can throw anything at you. And at the very end of the game, if circumstances go well, you can use these cards as a formidable weapon against your opponent.

We suggest you use some more tips from experienced players:

  • try to always fight back, especially when the game comes to an end;
  • If at the beginning of the game you only got one trump card, but a large one (for example, a king), and you can’t fight back, you shouldn’t feel sorry for it. Otherwise, you risk sitting with her until the very end of the game;
  • get rid of small cards and collect large ones;
  • if at the very beginning you have bad cards in your hands, and you have been dealt a card that you have nothing to fight off, and you have only one major trump card, you can lay out this trump card in the hope that they will throw you similar cards of other suits, and you can get hold of some pretty good cards;
  • play confidently, do not show your emotions to your opponent.

And, of course, train more! Moreover, you can choose one of the varieties of this game - Throwing Fool,

Rules of the game: players are dealt 6 cards, and a trump card is randomly selected - the suit that will be the highest in this game. It is placed face down, and the rest of the deck is placed face down on top. Let it be the queen of spades. The right to make the first move goes to the one who has the smallest trump card: for example, you have 10 spades, and your opponent has 7 spades - he makes the first move. You can move, for example, 2, 3 or 4 cards of the same value at once - for example, three sixes. You have to fight back with higher cards. If there is no suitable suit, you can play a trump card, which may be lower. If your opponent is satisfied with the way you fought back, the cards are folded separately and are not returned to them. In the flip “Fool”, the opponent can flip cards during the process. For example, on two sixes you put 7 and 8, if your opponent has 7 or 8 in his hands, he can “toss” them and you are obliged to cover these cards. After each “bounce”, the players draw cards from the pot so that everyone has 6. If you cannot repel the attack, you take these cards to yourself and use them further. And so on until the victorious or not so final. The player who has no cards left wins. If no one has them left, it is declared a draw. If at the very beginning you received at least 5 cards of the same suit out of 6, you can ask to be dealt again.

Finally, we have more or less figured out the rules.

Now for some tactical tricks:

1. Try not to accept many cards, especially towards the end.

2. Don't skimp on your trump cards. You shouldn't sit with the only king, taking the whole game until you lose your pulse.

3. Try to get rid of small cards and leave large ones.

4. Start your turn with paired cards. For example, you have two 8s and a six. It's better to go with double eights. After all, there is a high probability that your opponent will fight back with a trump six and you can safely throw in yours.

5. In some cases, it is advantageous to cover small cards with high ones. For example, you have a weak layout of 7s, 10s and one king. In order not to accept a bunch of 7s and 10s that your opponent will probably put in, cover with the king. If he throws a king, take it; if not, then get rid of small cards on your turn.

6. Throughout the game, remember the movement of at least the trump suit. Please note that, for example, the trump Jack went into retreat, you fought back with a 10, and your opponent took the queen from the horse, which was lying face down the entire time. This will especially help in the final part. Don’t forget about the elimination method: if at the end of the game you have a jack, a queen, and a king, but the ace was not visible throughout the game, it means your opponent has it.

7. Try to fight back with paired cards. For example, they came to you with three 10s. It is much more profitable to fight back with three kings (if any) in the flip “Fool” than, say, a jack, a queen and an ace. When you fight back with paired cards, you don't give your opponent much choice in what to do. Most likely, he will not have a fourth king, and the move will pass to you. And the risk that he has a jack, queen or ace is much higher.

8. Play confidently and even brazenly. You shouldn’t save a couple of medium trump cards throughout the game; it’s better to use them to fight back at a difficult moment.

9. Remember the cards the player accepts. And when you move again, think about how your opponent can fight back and whether you can throw it.

10. Remember, the more time you do not touch the deck, the greater the chance that your opponent will gradually draw all the trump cards. Therefore, try not to accept cards, and if you have to, then act according to point 5. It’s another matter if you are lucky with the layout - then you can sometimes pretend to have no trump cards and accept that your opponent tries to “riff” the deck more often in search of the treasured suit. And thereby you will save your trump cards. But do it within reason and depending on the situation.

I hope these little tips will help you win more often. Good luck!

Some gamblers use the tactic of memorizing the highest cards and trump cards to win. However, as practice has shown, knowing some of the secrets and rules of the game “Fool”, you don’t have to look at your opponent’s cards. But how to play "Fool" without the usual technique? When there are only two people in the game, you can use the following strategies to win: determine your opponent’s playing style or develop your own. To determine how your opponent plays, one game will not be enough, you will need to play at least five games. There are four main play styles that people use most often. They collect trump cards - in this case, the player will never throw them to his opponent. Collect high cards - in this case, the player will try to collect four dominant cards; such tactics can only be determined at the end of the game.

In some cases, the player chooses the tactic of throwing small cards at his partner. In this case, the player will try by any means to force the enemy to take the cards that came to him. The last style is collecting paired compositions of cards of different values. It is worth noting that this style of play gives an advantage both when beating off enemy cards and when entering, so it is used most often. The listed strategies are the most popular, the rest just combine them with each other. That is why, having determined the opponent’s playing style, you can understand his tactics and try to disrupt it, thereby confusing the opponent when he seems to be playing, but is not able to control the process.

When creating your own style, if a player collects trump cards, then you first need to determine the suit that is weak for him (which he does not have), and then try to force him to discard all his trump cards. It is even easier to leave a player who collects high cards “in the cold”, since he does not collect trumps and at the end of the game hopes to take advantage of the full set of cards (four aces, kings, etc.). He must be forced to fight back with the collected combination shortly before the end of the game. If the opponent uses the tactic of throwing small cards at the opponent, then at the beginning you need to try to fight back only with cards of the highest suit, and then attack the opponent with small cards, forcing him to fall into his own trap.

It is quite difficult to compete with a person who collects paired cards, since he always has a pair of cards in his stash, intended for clearing or moving. In this case, it is necessary to act using the enemy’s methods, that is, also try to move and fight back with paired cards. If there are three people gathered at the gaming table, then you will have to act a little differently. In this case, it is best to collect both paired and trump cards at the same time. The main thing in this game is not to throw away the person you are making a move to. This can only be done by being left alone with him, feeling that the enemy may be the first to leave the game. If four people are participating in the game, then the first thing you need to decide on is the style of the game: every man for himself or a couple for a couple.

It is much easier to play in pairs. In this case, the attack must be made on the enemy who is on the opposite team. It is better to start with small cards, which will allow you to gradually “test the waters” and find out which suits are not popular with your opponent. If the opponent begins to fight with large cards, then it is better for the player to discard them, since he will not be able to fight back with them anyway, because the opponent will immediately throw him paired cards. You cannot throw your partner in this game, you are only allowed to throw cards to him when he picks up, and even better than the highest value, in order to help him in the future. In the case when the game is not played against a pair, but against everyone, it is recommended to take the low card with which the game started, since there is a high probability that when you start fighting back you will have to take too many low cards.

If there are five or more people gathered at the card table, then it will no longer be possible to play in pairs. In this case, it is also recommended to take the low card. If the player decides to fight back, then it is better to do it with high cards, playing on the enemy’s greed or in the hope of replenishing his arsenal with good cards. In addition to the secrets described, the player should carefully monitor his opponents, since their playing style can tell a lot. For example, if the opponent fights back with trump cards from the very beginning, it means he is playing very weakly, because initially there is no point in discarding the trump card - it is better to take the cards that are beaten back, and then try to win back. To force the opponent to fight back with high cards or trump cards, you must first play with the lowest card, and then throw the opponent a trump card of the same nomination.

We must not forget about bluffing. Usually, if opponents see that a player is fighting with a large card at the end of the game, they think that the others are of no less value. However, it is not recommended to abuse bluffing, otherwise opponents will quickly “see through” the player’s tactics. If, nevertheless, the player prefers to use the tactic of memorizing the cards that came out, then it can be slightly improved, making the process easier for himself. When memorizing cards, the easiest way is to mentally create combinations, assigning each card its own image. Such a technique may resemble a kind of journey, when the player encounters all sorts of obstacles on the road, which he will associate with the cards that came out or the cards that the opponent took. Thus, each card will be “in use” and it will not be difficult for the player to remember whether it came out or not, which will allow him to get even closer to the desired victory.

I have a friend, his name is Serega. Comrade, he is overly violent and hot-tempered, and as a result he often gets imprisoned for 15 days. This is what he told me after “being on vacation.” Personally, I have no reason not to believe him, because Seryoga, to put it mildly, has no sense of humor and idle talk: with us, he is purely serious and strict. Further from his words.

I’m sitting in the bullpen, waiting for the investigator. They put a tramp in my place - a man with a puny little body and sad eyes. We sit together, bored, with nothing to do.

- Well, bro, maybe we can play cards for fun?

For my friend, as a “regular client,” the police gentlemen make concessions, like the same deck of cards.

The man smiled sadly, as if I were asking a math professor to multiply by column.

“Well, come on,” he says.

We sat down to play, and you won’t believe it, the man was rushing as if under a spell, Always beats me. I’m already doing this and that, and I don’t think I’m a fool at cards, but he’s winning! Well, I think I'm screwed, I've clearly fallen for a card sharper. I say, no, friend, that won’t work. You’re somehow “cloudy”, let’s go into the dark (only the dealer touches the cards), I’ll deal. The man smiles sadly again: “Come on.”

I deal, I see: he has a noticeable card, with a frayed edge - it’s the ace of spades, I know this card well, the site is mine. And the man draws and draws, and gets three cards from the top. Well, I think that’s it, it’s too much, I rolled it. We open up - he has an ace, a queen, a queen, a jack, a jack. Twenty one! At this point my eyes started to pop out of my head - how could this be? Pulling out such a combination, and even blindly, is almost impossible; the chance is about the same as hitting a fly flying twenty meters away with a soccer ball with your eyes closed.

The man grins again with his signature smile and says:

The man sat in the corner of the cell, and I thoroughly mixed the deck.

“Eight cards of any kind,” says the man, “take them out.”

I took it from above, below, from the middle. I gave it to myself too. I'm 19.

“Open mine,” the man says from the corner.

I open it. Eight cards. Four queens, four jacks. website Twenty! I look at the guy, I’m quietly shocked, he smiles sadly again.

- What is it, how, why? - I say to the peasant.

“Come on,” the man chuckled, “you still won’t believe it.” Nobody believes.

- You tell me, and then we’ll see.

And he told me such a fable. About 15 years ago he was on vacation in Anapa. He was drinking in some tavern and a “slippery guy” sat next to him, and the man didn’t remember the appearance, voice, or even the clothes of this “type.”

“Let’s play cards, if you’re not afraid,” says the “slippery one.”

They played and played - sometimes winning, sometimes losing, joked, drank. The man came to his senses only when he had lost every penny, even losing his wristwatch. I realized that I couldn’t even pay for a drink.

- What, little man (that’s actually how he addressed him), do you want to get even? - “slippery” tells him. — website I know one trick to never lose. Do you want to never lose at cards?

And the man went into a frenzy, there was excitement and alcohol and greed:

“I want to,” he says.

Slippery slips him a piece of paper.

- This is a special mantra, it brings good luck, read it and it will trample on you.

And on the piece of paper the words are in Russian letters, but the language is some kind of non-Russian. Well, the man thought maybe he was some kind of sectarian (there were a lot of them back then, even more than now). Why argue with a fool? Read it. And then he got screwed. He beat the slippery one outright (started out in debt). I was still happy like a fool; I won ten thousand.

So he was lucky with cards from then on, he always won. He could get any card from any deck, always and without error. But I felt that this was all for a reason: after four months, I decided to find out what kind of mantra it was. website I searched the Internet - to no avail, went to a group of some yogis - also missed. Until I told a translator I knew a few words from memory. The translator enlightened him that a few words that the man remembered were from the Hindu language, called “Urdu”. And they mean: “I give voluntarily”, “luck”, “forever”. Since then, the man has been walking around so sad, afraid that he sold his soul to the devil.

Those who love should play the game Mafia 2, available at this link. Feel like a real mafioso and find out why this game is so popular all over the world.