Hacked The Amazing Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man for Android Download spider man game file for android

The game was created based on the popular film, and in general borrowed many plot devices from it. However, most of the key characters, and a lot of interesting things, also migrated here from the film. In the game you will control the hero, in the process completing a variety of tasks and moving through the plot. Moreover, some of the tasks will be related to the main plot, while a significant part of them will not have anything to do with it, but will introduce you to truly remarkable side stories. Which will also be, at least, very interesting to look at.

The opponents will be famous villains, each of whom has not only sinister abilities, but also a huge number of dangerous henchmen. Of course, your main goal is to defeat the villain, but getting to him will be incredibly difficult, initially you will have to defeat a huge number of ordinary criminals, and only after that you will be able to confront the villain, who will act as the final boss.

You, as in the film, must regularly save the city’s residents from the danger looming over them. Moving through locations and using the main character’s solid set of abilities in order to successfully move forward. Download The Amazing Spider-Man for android, as you can quickly see for yourself, it’s worth it solely for this set of features.
It is also worth noting that the city is really big; here you will find many interesting locations through which you can move. The jumps on the web that the main character makes look especially good. Each district of the city has been interestingly designed and boasts its own unique features.

The battles look solid and colorful; the hero is capable of performing a wide variety of strikes and tricks, thus defeating his opponents. But at the same time, we must admit that there are also disadvantages here. In which you can see for yourself, for example, the creators clearly tried to oversimplify the controls, but the result is that it feels like the hero is fighting himself, without your participation. Of course, you can press different buttons, but all this will have a rather weak effect on the process of passing. The hero himself decides which blows should be used in a given situation, which is what irritates the most.

Game Features:

  • A huge and really interesting world, really bright characters;
  • Many colorful locations, each part of the city, had its own individual design;
  • Convenient controls, which, however, are overly simplified.

Playing as Spider-Man. Gamers will find a huge open world full of criminals who need to be neutralized.


The gameplay is focused on completing many missions to neutralize enemies - from petty thieves to murderers and entire crime syndicates. Our opponents are stupid, but numerous. You'll love testing out your new skills on villains of all stripes.

The gameplay is proportional. We are offered not only to fight, but also to enjoy traveling around the big city. We can crawl on buildings, jump on webs, jump far, and perform unusual tricks.


The Amazing Spider-Man will delight gamers with a unique character leveling system. When a hero defeats an enemy, experience is awarded depending on the enemy's difficulty. By accumulating a certain number of experience points, you can upgrade various skills.

There are a total of 5 skill lines available. At the end of the game, most of them will be leveled up.

However, you should be careful when upgrading your character, because there are dead-end branches of development, there are less useful skills, and there are mega-useful skills, to obtain which you need to first spend points on less useful ones. It is advisable to initially work through these points in order to make your game as interesting as possible.

The Amazing Spider-Man boasts excellent graphics. Detailing of the character and surrounding objects, special effects of dynamic combat and other visual elements require appropriate hardware.

On our website you can download a hacked version of the game The Amazing Spider-man for the Android platform for free!

version 1.1.7 ARMv7 Attention! The second part of the game has been released. If you liked the first one, be sure to play

A new action game about the legendary Spider-Man is now available for your phones and tablets equipped with the Android operating system. You've probably heard a lot from movies, comics, and previous Spider-Man games about Peter Parker, who became a superhero after contracting a virus after being bitten by a spider. He became famous in America immediately after the release of the first comic book back in 1962, and having gained popularity, he went beyond comics and spread to films and games about him.


Peter Parker is a gifted teenager who lives without parents with his aunt and uncle. He was often ridiculed by his classmates, because few people like excellent students. One day, he gets bitten by a radioactive spider. From that moment on, his life changed completely. He gained spider powers and became much stronger, able to freely climb any vertical surfaces and shoot webs from his wrist. It seemed that everything was going well, he stopped being the subject of ridicule, without even revealing his secret. But his Uncle Ben dies tragically, and before he died, he told him that with greater power comes greater responsibility. He forever remembered these words and realized that the purpose of his life was to fight evil and crime in this world.

Now, I think, it has become clear that in this game you will have to fight crime, saving civilians, fly over the city using your web, climb city buildings and many other exciting things.

The game is quite well thought out and does not dishonor the honor of its predecessors. The graphics cannot be called fantastic, but for a game on a phone they are quite good. Judging by the graphics, the game was also designed to work optimally on phones with low specifications.
The controls are convenient, thanks to the joystick in the lower left corner to control Spider-Man's movement, punch buttons and other buttons that will appear during the game itself, depending on various situations in the game.

In order to make cool graphics like Tegra 3, you need:
- Go to the additional cache folder: /sdcard/Android/data/com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftAMHM/files
- Find it there, falik config_android.xml, these are the coolest graphics settings, the tablet uses configs config_android_lowtablet.xml or config_android_medtablet.xml.
- Make a backup copy of these 2 configs. After that, make a copy of the config config_android.xml, rename one of the copies to config_android_lowtablet.xml, and the other in config_android_medtablet.xml.

The new Spiderman

  • Categories: Android 4.4.2
  • Review prepared by: Kirill
  • Application rating: 3.24 points
  • Update date: 13.12.2014

The new Spiderman is a new story, the hero of which is familiar to millions of gamers on the planet, fans of comic books and films based on them. And as in almost all tablet games, the story told by the developer became the story of the confrontation between Good and Evil, in which the forces of good turned out to be stronger. The main character of the game The Amazing Spider Man 1 with cache autoloading, familiar to gamers from the film, Peter Parker, immediately after installing it, will begin to complete a number of rather difficult tasks. He will fight evil on the streets of his native New York, whose residents have already ceased to be surprised by gangster shootouts, street fights and even monsters appearing on the streets of the city. Increasingly, they find themselves among random victims.

Since you play as the main character, all his unique abilities and capabilities will be concentrated in your hands, which you can use, constantly moving forward, fighting enemies and protecting peace on the streets of the city while its inhabitants sleep. To do this, you can use the web, the hero’s ability to climb the walls of skyscrapers and jump on rooftops.

You can download The Amazing Spider-Man for Android here. Excellent graphics, a well-developed system of attacks, combos and super attacks, as well as convenient gameplay will make completing twenty-five tasks based on the plot of the film more interesting. You will have to complete them in the five districts of the city, using the opportunity to improve the hero, increase his health reserves, movement speed and many other opportunities.

Based on the official remake of one of the most successful films about the Marvel comic book hero, Gameloft has developed a branded mobile game with stunning graphics and a large open world - just what the restless Peter Parker needs to maneuver.

7 reasons to download The Amazing Spider-Man on Android for free:

  • An epic confrontation between your favorite hero and the Lizard.

  • The game takes place in Manhattan.

  • The 5 most famous areas of the metropolis are presented: Central Park, Time Square, Pier, Residential Areas and Business Center.

  • 25 story missions and about 100 additional ones keep the whole story in suspense.

  • Spidey's signature tricks and techniques are well-developed.

  • Spectacular movement using a web between high-rise buildings.

  • All fights are done effectively; you can use short and long-range attacks against the enemy, as well as special skills and combos.
Take control of clearing New York from bandits and evil heroes. Only the brave Spider with his unique genetic abilities is able to crush any offender.